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RE: Steemit Artist Music Compilation Volume 1 - Post 3/4 STATS (Download Original Music From Steemit Community) 53 Steemit Artists!!!

in #music8 years ago

fantastic pick assessment!! Im with you big this was one hell of a turn out! Gonna move into a volume 2 soon and im eager to see the new songs that flood in. great picks! I think there was something here for absolutely everybody! Your piece is among my top favorites I am very impressed with the production I will say again and the over all build, lyrics all of it... its a great song, and im feeling the vocal thats very important. with the video I had this huge collection of stock footage from youtube and just tried to put a visual feel to each track, I will say in rewatches I do feel i may have implied you as a stalker peeking through a window......... this was not my intention lol!!


Ya, it took a bit of time to go through everything. There we're definitely a few special gems in the compilation that really stood out.

I appreciate the accolades, especially from you! I was actually quite happy with how the track turned out given my last minute timeline lol. My bud who mixed it really made the difference production-wise. He is also on steemit. @topfox and might be open to mixing other tracks for vol 2 (for other artists). I will suggest the idea to him.

No worries about the footage, it fit. I just found it really funny is all. I felt like the tune could be interpreted a few different ways and also from any gender side, I just didn't expect that particular visual. I thought most of the visuals ont he whole fit each tune pretty well tho.

Keep me posted re: vol 2. I'll definitely be making a submission.