Listening to music alone

in #music7 years ago

Spotify launched here and I decided to give it a go. Normally - as you might know? - I do not listen to music at all. I know this can be shocking to some people, who can not imagine live without music, but to me is business as usual. The thing is this: I can not hear new song musically.

What does this even mean, dude?! <--- yeah yeah, "heard" this all before.

Basically means that when I listen a song I used to know back when my hearing was ok, I can hear it as it was meant to be heard but new songs, I can not follow the musical line and they sound like shit. So...I kind of stopped listening.


But, my hearing aid has a cool thing that it CAN - in theory - do very good with music. And when connected to my iPhone all sounds are streamed thought it but adapted to my own hearing loss. It's like a personal magicians weaving sounds just for you. Pretty cool - in theory.

So, I decided to try this spotify thing and see how it goes and to my surprise, I kind of like it. I can actually listen to some songs, some new songs, and it's great to have music in your ear as you work, workout or walk around.

Honestly, what I love the most is the fact that I don't wear any visibile headset as the aid is almost invisible. No one can tell if I am listening to anything. or to what. It's a bit like being James Bond, only with music and no secret mission. Also, makes "dancing" very fun cause when I listen to music I can't hear almost anything else so all the background sound is gone and I feel 100% in my world. It's a neat feeling but also...

...kind of isolating. Music is something that usually unites us. The classical gesture of "sharing" one of your earbuds to a friend and listening together or dancing together..this is all impossible with me. I have one aid, and even if I were to give it to you, it would sound like garbage as your hearing is normal. My music is mine and sounds good only to me. I'm alone in this. But I can still dance to it like anyone else.

So, now I am listening to some new music and omg, half of it is weird and bad to me.
But I kind of have an obsession with "God's plan". Who else is on that Drake binge?



When music sounds, gone is da earth I know,
And all her lovely things even lovelier grow.
Her flowers in vision flame, her forest trees
Lift burdened branches, stilled with ecstasies.

When music sounds, out of the water rise
Naiads whose beauty dims my waking eye.
Rapt in strange dreams burns each enchanted face,
With solemn echoing stirs their dwelling place.

When music sounds, all that I was I am
Ere to this haunt of brooding dust I came..
And from Time's woods break into distant song
The swift winged I hasten along.

Who is this credited to?

This is the way I can overcome boredom, i often listen music alone and sink on it.

This post is very useful, thanks to this awesome post

Listening to music ninja style :)
I wish my glasses adapted images especially for me :P

reminds me of that episode of South Park when Stan wakes up one day and realizes that all pop music sounds like shit and all that comes out of the radio are fart sounds.

Good for you @razvanelulmarin Personally I would struggle without music.... I love it so much, and it accompanies me in mostly everything I do, unless I need to concentrate really hard, like when I study or have important work to do with configurations for work.. I have my happy music, my sad music, my mad music!! If you like Drake, check out Kendrick Lamar.... Serious wordsmith and quite like Drake... Happy listening man!