Check Out My Number One Single On Steemit!!!!
Originally made for @fyrstikken competition!!!
It was a lot of fun recording this song and the music video was even more fun. Hopefully sometime this month I will debut the video here on Steemit!!!!
Don't forget to vote for @Block-Buster for Witness!!!
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I hope you all enjoy this post!!!!!
Until the next post

La la laaaa .... Mistaaa Viquez you got this stuck in my head on repeat!
FIRST THIS YOU NEED TO DO IS PROGRAM YOUR BRAINNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! This whole song is a Power manifestation.... HE IS LYRICALLY INCLINED.
whole 2mnths it was in my damn head lol
Haha Yes its back once again! Another 2 month round of the original one hit wonder crypto track, "Shit Coins". Thanks @mrviquez, I needed this at the moment lol
My brother goes in on all topics 💪🏼
Wow!.. you really killed this one.
Amazing one you've got there man.
Yh!, I want the shit coins, I'm gonna go download the wallet!.
Nice track ... the beat is dope too.
I loved the song, is it about the crypto ...he keeps saying it.....really...nice rap man
Yh!, It all about crypto. He really nailed it!!
This sounds super professional man, keep up the great work. Still gotta jam with you man ;-)
I had some bitcoins, until last night I got all faded. Traded 3G's of BTC's💸 for 160 millon of these shitcoins. I know its dumb. I just got to sell them back 1 satoshi at a time for 1 shitcoin. I can't even list for less then that 1 satoshi. Does it even matter pfft, 100 shit coins for like a penny you feel me, I thought so. When them shit coins hit a penny you got $10,000. Exactly if those shitcoins hit a $1 your holding $1,000,000 of SHIT. This is crypto you now the risks. I can tell that you just want in. Exactly, you have to play if you want to win. So how many shitcoins do you want to get? LOL. I like this song I am felling it.