When I learned Music Production
A few years ago, I have decided to learn to write my own music. I was inspired by songs and artists so much that it was not enough for me to just listen anymore and felt the need to make my own songs.

EMEX2014 Ableton Live Booth Demo
There was one problem though, I have no musical background whatsoever!! I don’t know how to use any instruments and I have forgotten every music lessons I got in basic music theory from high school, but I am determined to see this dream through.
So in my second year in college I decided:
To get part time jobs and freelancing work and start saving to invest in what I may need. Which were mostly: (I normally worked 2 jobs at a time when possible)
a. Data Encoding
b. Graphic Design
c. Sound and Lights Technician Crew (This included training and a lot of lifting lol)
d. Marketing ProjectsResearched as much as I could and searched for free lessons so I could learn while doing working and studying.
Pay for lessons from online schools and local music lessons. This included a certificate program for Music Producers.
Invest in equipment. (My firsts were a pair of headphones, a MIDI keyboard, an audio interface and occasionally rented DJ controller)
Learn piano, guitar, bass, vocals. (still a working progress, though instead of the guitar I’ve chosen the Ukelele because everyone in my team plays the guitar)
Learn to DJ. (The gigs were a lifesaver financially not to mention that it was a lot of fun.)

Sports Bar Gig 2015

Events DJing for R2N Audio
In time I have trained and worked as a music producer making audio resources as a freelancer choosing more . Formed a team with professionals I met and scouted and have continuously grown as a person, an artist and a friend.

Fundamental Study of Sound
The path into learning music production was long and difficult, but it was also tons of fun and always exciting. So, I decided to post about the places where I’ve learned most of the necessary skills that I got in hopes that maybe I can help someone out there somehow.
I will be posting about those in parts in the following days because they are a bit too long.
Check my instagram account, I usually post my progress there :)
Thanks for taking your time to read and sorry for the long post, hope you have a nice day. Cheers!!