Follow up detailed tutorial on Radiosteem for those who have never transferred $SD

in #music9 years ago

I saw a post on music about how to get a free steamdollar (equal to 3 song requests on radiosteem, the radio station for steemrs like us) and you can become a curator for the radio station. I am not affiliated with @radiosteem but I do however love the concept and am now happily one of the 200 new curators. You can be one as well by following the steps below:

1. Comment on the new radiosteem post that is currently trending in the music sub. I posted a link below.

The post is here:

Once you are a top level commentor you will automatically be given 1 steem dollar that you can then use to make 3 comments. Note that only 200 of the top level commentors will be given a free steem dollar so hurry, they have currently given about half of their SD's away so sign up ASAP!

2. Receive your steem dollar! Below is a picture of me receiving my dollar from @steemradio. I've never transferred my steemdollars before, I've only used them to power-down/up my other currencies.


3. a Give your dollar back! Clicking on your user profile will open up a window with a few options, go down to the fifth option called wallet. Under the To input write "steemradio" without quotes. I kept writing @steemradio and was wondering why i didn't work. Under the amount for 1 song put .33 for 1/3rd of a S$.

3. b Then under memo put your request in an ARTIST - SONG format. I'm not sure what happens if it isn't correct so I recommend double checking because the system seems automated.


4. Sit back and LISTEN Your song should be played on Depending on the que for songs it could be a while if you do it during all the hubub since they just gave away about 600 songs worth of music.

Please be polite with your requests, at the bars with 1 dollar jukebox requests we used to put on the extended version of Pink Floyd's Shine on you crazy diamond which totals at about 25 minutes if it isn't parted out. Its a fantastic song but It tended to upset patrons who don't enjoy lengthy psych rock classics with screaming saxophone and electric guitar solos.

Stay tuned to check out other requests! I requested hurt by nine inch nails because I know its a well loved song and would work for this tutorial... however I will be submitting some other lesser known but just as great songs for others to discover. So enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.

To @steemradio if you don't want me posting this please say so and I will take it down, I just felt like helping because it took me some time to get it right myself.