Copyright Strikes

in #music4 years ago

The main idea behind the Copyright Law was to ensure income generated from the creation of a particular original work - goes to the individual or, entity that created it.

The origins of this Law date back to the time when Spain and England battled for dominian over the High Seas.

That's right - here's where I make Captain Jack Sparrow references.

It turned out that Spain didn't really offer much in ways of legal protection to its ship designers and intellectual property theft was the accepted norm when it came to ship design.

This led to the brain drain of Spanish ship design engineers (the equivalent of today's Software Engineers) to countries that provided better IP protection - namely Britain.

Pretty soon, the Spanish Armada found itself on the losing end of the British cannon carrying ships that were both much faster and significantly more manueverable.

Needless to say, Spain never really recovered its World Dominating Role - despite having had its pieces of eight distributed throught the world as the first real Global Currency.

Fast Forward to 2020 - and now we have the Music Industry using those same Laws against Twitch Streamers that happen to play snippets of music during streams.

Channels were under threat of being banned under the three-strike DCMA claims that seemed to be occuring everywhere - suddenly - out of the blue.

It became obvious that Twitch was heading down the same slippery slope that YouTube, Instagram and all the other - once free to do as you please - platforms were heading.

The problem with these DCMA claims however - were that they were coming from entities that MAY NOT actually have the rights to those Copyrighted pieces.

Nevermind that these fraudulent claims may have led to the destruction of years worth of ORIGINAL Twitch content - to say nothing of the income stream that this generated.

DCMA apparently had been hijacked by Pirates of the Cyber Seas in order to gain dominian over smaller - much less defencible - Twitch boats.

The question to ask is - Qui Bono?

Certainly not the Artists who created the Music.

If anything - these DCMA pirated raids serve only to exploit the vulnerability of independant creators and streamers.

So, what can be done to stop them?

My solution of course is to completely subvert the Law.

If Artists or Creators can get rewarded every time their work is used - automatically, there would be no need for Copyright strikes.

What we need for music - or, for any real work of originality - is a reward system that is entirely independant of the platform.

And yes, this is where I bring in Cryptocurrency Gold Doubloons.

If there was ever a need for an automated reward system - perhaps even encorporating Machine Learning - it is here.

If AI can recognize a song - it can also make a payout. That way - the Twich Streamer who uses any copyrighted material directly PAYS the Artist for its use - while simultaneously - promoting the work.

I just thought it was an idea whose time has come.

Finally, we will be free of the Copyright Middle Men Pirates that have reigned the High Cyber Seas since the invention of MP3 files.
