Be in Our Music Video for the Song "Stop Killing Our Friends"
We are Finally Recording This Song in Studio
Lyrics & Translations
Hands Off #Afghanistan ~ Hands Off #Palestine
HEY governments, Stop killing our friends...
Hands Off Mali (Africa)
Hands off all the gold
Hands off all the oil
We know what you want
HEY governments, we love each other, we're connected and we're saying stop killing our friends
We are peaceful and we just wanna be free, everyone I know is crying, crying everyday
All we are saying is, what we are saying is, all that we're saying is: Stop killing our friends
Stop killing our friends in Baghdad, Beirut and Gaza
We want to hear the sound of children's laughter ringing through the plaza
Your mean bombs and your cheap shots
Your demonic media and your rotten thoughts
Could never stop us from being alive and in love!
We are Alive and in Love
Lyrics by: Lyndsay Bowes and Massoud Nayeri
Music: Lyndsay Bowes The Key Of H
اتركوا سوريا
اتركوا إيران
اتركوا أفغانستان
اتركوا فلسطين
يا حكومات الغرب ، اوقفو قتل أصدقائنا
اتركوا مالي
اتركوا كل الذهب
اتركوا النفط
نحن نعلم ما تريدون
نحن نحب بعضنا ، نحن متصلون و سنغني 'اوقفو قتل أصدقائنا'
نحن مسالمون و نريد أن نكون أحرارا و حسب
كل شخص أعرفه يبكي و يبكي كل يوم
كل ما نقوله هو
ما نقوله هو
كل الذي نقوله هو
'أوقفو قتل أصدقائنا'
أوقفو قتل أصدقائنا في بغداد و بيروت و غزة
نحن نريد سماع ضحكات الأطفال الرنانة في البلازا
قذائفكم الدنيئة و كل الضربات الغادرة
إعلامكم الشيطاني و أفكاركم العفنة القذرة
لن يوقفونا أبدا عن كوننا أحياء و محبين
نحن أحياء و محبون
نحن أحياء و محبون
نحن أحياء و محبون..
Ôte tes mains de la Syrie
Ôte tes mains de l'Iran
Ôte tes mains de l'Afghanistan
Ôte tes mains de la Palestine
Gouvernements de l'ouest, arrêtez
de tuer nos amis.
Ôte tes mains du Mali
Ôte tes mains de l'or
Ôte tes mains du pétrole
Nous savons ce que vous voulez
Gouvernements de l'ouest, nous nous
aimons les uns les autres, nous sommes
unie, nous disons, arrêtez de tuer nos
Nous sommes pacifiques, nous voulons seulement
être libre, tout le monde que je connais
pleure, pleure chaque jours
Tout ce que nous disons est, ce que nous disons est,
tout ce que nous disons est : Arrêtez de tuer nos amis
Arrêtez de tuer nos amis à
Baghdad, Beirut et Gaza
Nous voulons entendre le son du rire des enfants résonner
à travers la place
Vos bombes traîtres et vos
coups bas
Vos médias démoniaques et vos
pensées pourrîtes
Ne nous arrêterons jamais d'être
vivant et en amour !
Nous sommes vivants et en amour
Quita tus manos de Syria.
Quita tus manos de Iran.
Quita tus manos de Afghanistan.
Quita tus manos de Palestina.
Gobiernos, dejen de matar a nuestros amigos.
Quita tus manos del Malí,
Quita tus manos del oro,
Quita tus manos del petroleo.
Sabemos lo que quieres.
Gobiernos, nosotros nos amamos unos a los otros, estamos conectados y decimos, deja de matar a nuestros amigos!
Somos pacíficos y solo queremos ser liberes.
Todos los que conozco lloran, lloran todos los dias.
Todo lo que decimos, lo que decimos es, dejen de matar a nuestros amigos.
Dejen de matar a nuestros amigos en Baghdad, Beirut y Gaza. Queremos escuchar las risas de los niños en la plaza.
Tus sus horribles bombas, sus balas baratas.
Tu media demonizada y tus pensamientos podridos, nunca nos pararan de estar vivos y enamorados.
Estamos vivos y enamorados!
دست درازی به سوریه ممنوع
دست درازی به ایران ممنوع
دست درازی به افغانستان ممنوع
دست درازی به فلسطین ممنوع
دولت های غربی، ریختن خون وکشتن دوستان ما را متوقف کنید
دست درازی به مالی ممنوع
دست بکشید از غارت کردن طلا
دست بکشید از غارت نفت
ما می دانیم شما دنبال چی هستید
دولت های غربی، ما انسان دوستان، با هم متصلیم ما اشغال منطقه را محکوم میکنیم و میخواهیم به این کشتار پایان دهید
ما فقط صلح میخواهیم, ما فقط می خواهم آزاد باشیم، هر انسان شرافتمندانی به این موضوع میگرید
همه ما خواستار توقف کشتار دوستان و برادان و خواهرانمان هستیم
کشتار دوستان ما در بغداد، بیروت و غزه متوقف کنید
ما میخواهیم یک بار دیگر صدای زنگ خنده بچه ها در میادین شهر بپیچد
رسانه های شیطانی وافکار فاسد شما
هرگز قادر به توقف عشق به زندگی نیست
ما زنده در عشقیم

Great job Lyndsay and what a brilliant idea, and a nice touch with the translations.
I've just been searching the house and we don't have a single marker pen!!!
I'll sort a sign out at work in the morning and edit it back in to the comment.
Won't be showing my face though babe, anonymity and all that. 😉
Wowww!! Thank you so much, I really look forward to your contribution!! YESSS!!!!
First off Hats Off to Miss @lyndsaybowes on providing such a touting blog with full of emotions, and finally recorded a very excellent song for people to create awareness. I remembered that last time you wrote an Article on Iran and you didn't accept the rewards on that post.
Lyrics in various languages shows your intelligence that how to spread the word.
You really impressed me with your voice and guitar. I love your voice and also the lyrics. Actually you're so amazing. You have felt the pain of those people who are killing without any reason. I wish your voice reach at the level where authorities order to stop the war.
I personally don't like war. So let's hope for the best.
All the best @lyndsaybowes for your great efforts and Stay Blessed!
These lyrics are exceptional:
Hands Off #Syria ~ Hands Off #Iran
Hands Off #Afghanistan ~ Hands Off #Palestine
HEY governments, Stop killing our friends...
Hands Off Mali (Africa)
Hands off all the gold
Hands off all the oil
We know what you want
HEY governments, we love each other, we're connected and we're saying stop killing our friends
We are peaceful and we just wanna be free, everyone I know is crying, crying everyday
Thank you so much for believing in Peace, and the end of all aggression. I salute you @jawad09 for speaking out! xoxo We will hope and try for the best. I would love to see any photo submission from you. I appreciate your support too. <3 xo
I give you all the loving and human love to you and all those who are for peace and brotherhood. thank you. peace for all of the world. we need peace love and life around togheter
Thank you so much for this beautiful comment @marketclob <3 :)
As always, nice work sistAr ❤️
This is my favourite song! It's so powerful, it always gives me chills. I've shown it to many friends since I first seen it on facebook years ago. I'm so happy to hear you are recording it! Also awesome I can add this youtube version to my playlists :D Such a great idea getting everyone involved. I'm not good with lyrics but I have a message to add
End these foolish wars done in the name of Gold Oil & Drugs. I do not consent! I will not play this game. In Love we trust.
WE know too much, its all out there - there are no more excuses in treating others poorly or for giving our power away to the same parasitic forces.
NO ONE is free when others are enslaved. We must stop hurting ourselves if the world and humanity as a whole is to heal.
Thank you so much for this powerful contribution to the video! Your words resonate with me so much, I got goose bumps!!!! :) :) Much LOVE and RESPECT @wisewoof!! I love you WarriorSIS!
Awe Yeah! Grateful I can have that effect ^_^ Thankyou blush Much LOVE & RESPECT to you @lyndsaybowes!!! <33
Headphones on my head and i am listening to this pious song which is actually the voice of Innocence.
Yes, We deserve the Peace for ourselves, for our kids, for this Motherland.I shall condemn the brutality till my last breath. I condemn these criminal acts, I condemn the Hatred, I condemn the intolerance...
None can dare to stop us from spreading the Truth
#Stop_Bombing_ the_Syria
Thanks so much for becoming the voice of human beings of Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Mali
Yes off course i want to become the part of this pious Video. Just let me know more about it @lyndsaybowes
Hiiii @salmanbukhari54, very well express the views and message of @lyndsaybowes in your comment. i appreciate every thing which is in the favour of human being. just want peace and love whole the world.
Thank You so very much @rabeel for supporting this noble act <3
I am very happy that you wish for your messages to be in our video. All you have to do is send me a photo of your message!! It can be in english, or in your language of choice!!
Off course i will write a message and send it to you to support My Brothers and Sisters who are in pain.
I accidently click on the video button and believe me, I can't stop my tears. These lyrics and music is so heart touching. I have listened it 5 times. Mam @lyndsaybowes you really did a great job. I can do nothing for you in this regard but I think I must give you:
You really deserve this solute!!
Thank you so much for listening and believing in the message, I hope in the video you smiled when you heard the voices of my children, that is my favourite part <3 <3 xoxo!!
WOW ! This is truly amazing work !! Every words are powerful . You have amazing talent dear lady @lyndsaybowes ! Made me a fan of your !! Some powerful countries and people are the designer for all conflicts and wars in world. Every wars and political conflicts are for power and money not for the people. Hats off to you !

All the best for this touching song !
Yes, you are very much in the know, and I am sure you know the powerful countries I am speaking of... <3 Thank you @akkha!!
Exactly my friend ! They are real villain !!
middle East its Wings broken Blue Sky closed grain dust Savage lust hunters through time as a ghost, give the shadow of die in the Valley of destruction petals-petals soul innocent, interest Wilt the stalk dry desperate, dashed hope flowers nation fall with everything there be a victim in the altar gold actually no together any of honor, which I think even sickening heart who do not vibrate Kala Twitter birds disappear in the space of the Prophet, change a flash of-a flash of deadly the middle East first published book written any guidance, hope and the story of the Messenger, scholars and the story of gold all times turned into a sheet of sadness, pain, and nestapa areas that have been made in the Cup of full-old wine in prepare for a drink beer for souls greedy, lust egoistical's wrath listen Oh the son of man ...... !!!!! sad story the middle East weep for people poor for crying it would be a prayer for tears that contains the love and compassion more top of the goodness not load love tears love born of the soul of the most in
Thank you @lyndsaybowes. You are very concerned about our brother in the middle east
I definitely want to send you my picture with the sign, and I will do it soon, but what I want to tell here is you have written some marvelous lines.
So true, we people are all connected by heart, we don't discriminate, we don't judge, we don't fight, we love each other, we always want to stand for each other, we are there in sorrow and joy for each other then why do these governments play their politics and divide people, make wars, kill people. Its a sad state, do we see a change? God Knows!!!
Thank you so much for feeling the truth of the lines. I really look forward to seeing your contribution to the video! Thank you for making a sign!! xoxo <3 One Love!
Gee Lindsay, could you stop being so awesome for just a mimnute? I am TRYING to get a little vote self control but just had to 100% this...
Picture to follow soon.
I love you, beautiful lady!
Oooh wow, I'm so happy that you will be contributing to the video my Warrior Sis <3 <3 You're so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!