Money Talks.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Came across this 3-hour mix recently and I thought it vibes well with the story of the cryptocurrencies. The evolution of money. Ideas are lighting up all over the globe. Enlightenment. Illumination. Still rough around the edges, but the puzzle pieces are coming together. Readers and writers of world literature unite! Capital is now where it should be. In the eye of the beholder, the investor. Peer-to-peer. So look no further because it's you, me, everybody. All we need is a private key.

But not everyone's got their heads in wealth creation. Not me. There are so many things I love doing and will continue doing so even if none of them makes me anything at all. The same goes for my love of writing and sharing. Now that I've been rather inactive for last couple of weeks, at least I'm still earning something just by curating and sharing stuff on the network.

This is why I sincerely think Steem Power is the cryptocurrency to watch. It recognises that our perception of value is subjective and that's the only way to be able to support just about any kinds of work without restrictions. It is with this assumption that we get to host a diversity of distribution models, powered by the community. If Bitcoin's objective Proof-of-Work is 1°, then Steem's subjective Proof-of-Work is 360°. Buy it or earn it, power up to gain access into all kinds of capital just by using the platform. Invest in yourself and others. Treat yourself as a co-owner.

Here's a fact bomb: out of all cryptocurrrencies out there, Steem is the only one with a fast growing base of human-readable content getting indexed on search engines. And I'm going to say it again and again: 3-seconds transaction with zero fees. Anyone can participate. Not to be taken as financial advice, but I'll be honest here and say that Steem Power is the best kind of investment I've ever got myself into. A massive moonage into the Top 5 next year or two would be nice, of course lol.

Enjoy the mix and have fun surfing! Garage / House / Down-tempo seems especially fitting for the slow grind we're going through day to day in the cryptosphere, through the peaks and valleys where emotions ride :)

Note: Much of my relatively inactive participation in recent times is due to my off-chain workload. My huge writer's block isn't helping too. I feel like there's plenty of gaps in my knowledge that I'm unable to sufficiently express myself without sounding like an over-confident fool. But that's it, sometimes I take myself too seriously. I'm going to be active again by using Steem as what it should be, a social platform. I've been imposing rules on myself on whether or not I should post this or that. So f**k it. I'm going to use the platform more casually and frequently from now on.


Nice to see you're back :) Indeed, it's a social platform so yeah, f#$k it. I feel I might have pushed the limit a bit with some comments I've made (not negative) but hey, I'm just being myself and that's also important. Cheers!!

Hahah controversial comments are a feature, not a bug :D


Hehe, awesome!! Glad to hear that :D

You are allowed to say "fuck" on this blockchain.

Looks like I'm playing the afterparty for Steemfest2 - I just ordered a pair of CDJs and a new mixer to prep because I've been a 100% vinyl dj up until now.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Lol that's quite some prep overkill! Vinyls to CDJs? Easy transition.. See you there man!

It would be an easy transition if the CDJ slots were 12" wide.

"Here's a fact bomb: out of all cryptocurrrencies out there, Steem is the only one with a fast growing base of human-readable content getting indexed on search engines. "

The fact that Steemit has humans and something to do for humans, I am already confident in it.

The other ICOs out there and their intangible tokens that supposedly is going to help us...? Meh. Kind of mind-boggling they'd dish it out without a working beta yet.

Well maybe we'll see some of it in a year or two. But i wonder how many people will actually use them..

It's the only one that seems to be actually based on something of value. ie. real content created by real people.

Yeah. If it's something useful and comes from a good place, then sure.

I'm finding more content I like on Steemit than I did on Facebook. It does seem more genuine to me.

Of course. Facebook is a breeding pit of toxic nonsense.

It's horrible. Agreed

I very much agree with you Sir @kevinwong, to invest I think steem power very worth trying. a lot of my friends are already investing in the steem power this, because in addition to raising the strength of the vote, the steem power can also increase the value of our posts. and as you say that any transaction is much faster compared to others. I am very happy to be known as steemit. Thank you for posting this Sir, very interesting and worthwhile to read.

Also, there's a social aspect to powering up. People like supporting those that take risks. In this case, risking capital by holding Steem Power as a kind of investment :)

Yeah, true Sir @kevinwong, sometimes we do have to take the risk to produce more;), thank you so much for your response, Sir.

Very inspiring read ! Steem and Steemit has so much going for it so it's only a matter of time before things start moving at a very fast pace. I feel blessed to have found it at this early stage . Have a great day Kevin ! tip! 0.5

Lol thanks , didn't know there's such a tipping method. I think the dev team is takng time to address fundamental issues right. If fulfilling the roadmap, end year would be something :) I think there should be something significant by steemfest2, it would be a good event for announcements / reveals

Hehe yea the tip tool is pretty good. Especially when you want to regenerate the voting power. Hopefully there will be some good reveals for steem fest. Are you going there ?

Yup i am! Are you?

I want to go, but it's a bit hard for me to fit into my schedule this time around, and it would be quite a long trip going going from here (China). I'm sure it's going to be an awesome time there though and looking forward to hear good stories from there :)

I like Steemit, and I know the keyword is social, but it seems like it is a popularity contest to me. It seems like most whales are just autovoting the minnows that pander to them instead of sifting through the posts to find the jewels manually. If they were really reading it, the reward pool would be shared properly. I'm seeing memes get $150. I want to do a music project and visual based on the blockchain, but in order to have time to do a blockchain specific project. I have to know it is going to be supported or at least seen. I know networking is a must, and I do but it seems like you have to kiss ass. I want to invest in steem power, but this turns me off. Am I investing? Or really just buying my way into an elitist club? Help me understand this please. I really like how you do your thing.

Decentralisation, can't expect everything to be pleasing :) Well i'm right with you that some high SP users should delegate to accounts that can curate well, but in any case it's their vote. I think there are more doing good filling up the long tail of the distribution. Popularity happens in any networks, even in the dictionary where 100 words out of millions get used 95% of the time. It's addressed in Steem's whitepaper. That said, if whales bought mining rigs for Ethereum or Bitcoin instead of SP, they'd effectively just be voting for themselves all the time. Steem breaks out of that and gives anyone the option to support accounts other than themselves that add to the platform. Hmm.. well there's no real club per se, unless stated, otherwise it's simply perception. But sure, investors tend to band together, because of similar interests and are risking together in an investment.

Edit: about your project, any post on it? anyway, I'd personally just do it if i'm going to do it anyway. If people like it , then awesome. I guess it's just the same anywhere, need to hustle. Here with SP i can vote on people who shares my music , etc. There's plenty of use case for SP..

I have heard a lot abou you@kevinwong but this is the first article I really read.

Short, but clear.
I feel your confidence in that topic.

I have to say I thought a lot of time about investing more in steempower but I am still not convinced.
The concept is great but I am not convinced if this will be stay strong.

I read already from many Steemians that they will invest more in steempower.

You mention an important point about Steem compared to other crypto currencies.

I have to make more thoughts about it.

Hi thanks for the response! Whats your number concern for the platform not to be able to stay strong?

Steemit is still young.
And like every investment is also an investment into steempower risky.

For me, Steemit has to prove itself as a platform that will exist for a long time.
I know all advantaged Steem has over othercryptocurrencies and they are right totally. But nevertheless, it's young platform​. I am not sure if it will definitely​ survive.

May I​ ask​ you where do you see Steem and this platform in 5 years? :)

Thanks for your answer.

Yup definitely risky. But it feels right lol. I think the platform has good fundamentals, and in my opinion, a network that charges arbitrary transaction fees for revenue will technically oversell itself at one point.. which is why if Steem manages to provide more value other than just charging transaction fees is a more difficult game to overcome, with higher payoff if it works out. It's young, which is why I thought it's a good time to get in and contribute to building it last year. Active participation + investment is the best kind imo.

Oh you're asking a true believer here. I think steem will be a widely used protocol layer for web communities :) if Steem does something well, it's posting and voting with the simple addition of currency..

I really appreciate your answers.
Thanks that you are taking your time.

I can understand what you mean. I think I have to make some more research.
Maybe I​ will get the faith you already have

You can be able to enjoy your life by writing in Steemit. all the best for you, @kevinwong.
Warmest regard from Indonesia.

Thanks for the heads up homie. I take weekends to make my content most of the time and save my posting time for the week. I don't feel bad when I take a few days off, because it lets my voting power build back up. Alltho it is kind of funny when it gets down to $0.02, that way I can go around giving my two cents😂

Its great that you find your ways being happy by sharing and writing without thinking money,
I hope i found my own style of happiness too...

Good money is the kind that works in the background for the owner :)

Money is just a reward or a bonus for your work.. But the more important thing is you love what youre doing

Money is good, no boy can buy you a company without money

Money has no limit, we always want more each day. I believe that is why we are all here.For money

Not really, maybe at the first time i joined steemit i think about money but things change after a few weeks i want to share content that can be helpful to others.. Because if you think money in every post you make you end up sharing things you
dont want and youre showing not the real you..
But ofcourse im happier if i have high pay outs

Most of the times, being able to make cash is almost like a byproduct of not caring about it and doing your thing instead.. so far thats 80% true based on experience

I'm glad to hear that from you @kevinwong