Song for you)

Hey Stemmit! I recorded some song! Pls, listen and evaluate! This is Noize mc cover, track "Грабли" {grAbli} (rake)
I can translate chorus of this track for you)
This is trancription:
Я всё исправлю, {Ya vsyo isprAvlyu}
Починю и налажу, {pochinyU i nalazhu}
Если снег новогодний {Esli sneg novogodniy}
На прошлогодние грабли не ляжет. {Na proshlogOdnie grAbli ne lyAzhet}
Так что я не замечу до боли знакомых {Tak chto ya ne zamEchu do bOli znakOmih}
Зубцов под подошвой, {ZubcOv pod podOshvoy}
Если следующий год, как всегда, {Esli slEduyushiy god kak vsegdA}
Снова вдруг не окажется прошлым. {SnOva vdrug ne okAzhetsya prOshlim}
And this is translate:
I'll fix it,
Repaired and tuned
If the snow of New Year's
Last year's rake will not go down.
So I will not notice painfully known
Original track u can hear there
battlement under the my foot
If the next year, as always,
Again will not be the past.
Now, we can sing together!))) I hope you will enjoy!)
And here u can listen original track!)
p.s. sorry4mistakes) And good night!)
Nice picture @kavalsky
шедевр!)) привет с ГОлоса))