Beatbox Genres? (How is it categorized?)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Before you ask yourself if fart noises have genres, they do.

How beatboxing is mainly categorized is by "Technicality " and "Musicality" along with other sub divisions that I will cover later.

In my terms "Technicality" is how... ugh.... well... technical a beat is."Technical" examples would be precise drumming techniques. How certain noises are placed after each other. And yes, the faster the better. (IN MY OPINION!) Certain technical noises would be simple kick drums and snares, while people such as Gene Shinozaki(shown here), use clicks and lip oscillations in technical patterns.

While "musicality" is a little bit of a somewhat iffy topic. In my opinion "technicality" can me musical, while "musicality" can be technical. The terms don't really have a set definition, but you get the idea. For me, "musicality" is a catchy melody along with an almost any style of music like structure/build up concluded with drops. Usually these routines are followed up and based off of original lyrics, or a cover of different songs.

BUT most beatboxers have this mindset that "musicality" can't be exciting. Even though technically speaking, "technicality" is music, people still overlook this.

I don't really these terms being defined just anytime soon, but. They do exist.

P L E A S E give me advice on how to make my posts better. I wanna please my audience as much as myself so.



Is that you beatboxing? It is amazing!