Song 20 is Jerry's First Trance!

in #music8 years ago (edited)

Song 20 Jerry's First Trance.jpg

Will you try listening to my first trance music song because you might be inspired to create your own music? In 2017 I started making music with FL Studio 12 from no existing experience. The last I learned of music was giving the teacher in middle school the finger. Then in 2016 I felt this strange desire to just start trying to learn it and finally went ahead with it in 2017 buying a digital audio workstation named FL Studio 12 on Windows 10 that I now have made 20 songs with in the first eight months! If I can put a song together, anyone can!

Below is the music video just released today on YouTube of what is currently my second favorite of my songs! I listen to this song almost every day in the car and hope you like it!

I listen to most of my music on SoundCloud at because it is easy to access with the mobile app in my car!

Share this is a bit scary for me because it is not my usual post format and is in a speciality I still know almost nothing about! With the courage found by seeing so many of us I follow share original art videos, I figured now was the time to try it!

Jerry Banfield


Great as always

fun!! you did great! it's fun and childlike... yet has some great depth.. i can see making a cartoon to it :)

@jacquelyne fun I never thought of it that way before!

ya! actually Jerry, would you be open to being interviewed on my show? could be a fun way to cross promote :) I really appreciate your support on here, and feel it would be nice to let people know how friendly the Steemit community is, as well as educational :) Let me know if you are open to it!

Not too bad! I forget about Fruity Loops. Personal favourite these days is to use Ableton Live instead but used Reason, Cubase and others over the years. Fruity Loops takes me back. Still a cool program for sure.

Thank you David for being the first to comment and sharing your favorite digital audio workstation with us! I may try Ableton live too because I have watched hours of video classes showing it!

Ableton is an amazing DAW. It's definitely worth checking out Jerry!

You're more than welcome Jerry. You are my elder here since I learnt about Steemit via your FB ad running 4 weeks or so ago. Love your candid approach and value the time you put into this.

Yeah, Ableton is a lovely tool to use, clean interface, VSTi's work well and the modules available are decent, to begin with. Plus working in arrangement view vs live view can give you two totally different approaches to making music and experimenting. Add a moog VSTi and a few others and you are away. Or add Komplete by Native Instruments to the workflow.

IF there is somthing specific u'd like to see a tutorial about in Ableton live 9 , let me know!!

It's something I call a "chill track". It's relaxing to me.

Now, I am by no means knowledgeable when it comes to creating music, so if I may give my inexperienced advice:

You could add some echoing words that you would feel they represent the given song. Like a background word or phrase echoing every now and then. Something that would fit in with the mood of the given song. Just something I was thinking about.

Any way, thanks for sharing Mr. @JerryBanfield! Always appreciate your quality posts :)

You're welcome @cipriang thank you for sharing the idea to add some echoing words because I had not thought of that!

Nice, just one question...How do you drive in a trance It's awesome being able to see this side of you. Thanks for sharing @jerrybanfield

@thethreehugs good question I do have to keep the eyes open for the trance stance! It helps a lot for other drivers getting crazy to keep calm!

I am sure it does..I actually have had visions while driving and had no idea how I got home. Guess I must have some very powerful guardian angels.

I have been listening to House, techno, and trance since I was a little kid and I have been very passionate about it. Currently I am mainly in to progressive house, trance and some chill lounge music. I am always happy to see others appreciating this type of music. I have been thinking about producing music for quite some time and I am glad to see that you are heading on that path :)

Getting there Jerry. Lets see some Jerry dancing next time :D

Wow its amazing video, i like it the sound, cool relaxed, Good job @jerrybanfield

gotta go with garage band!

The song is nice.. I didn't know that you are a musician as well.. Guess that's your hidden talent.. You sing too?