Epic Live Music Composing and Streaming Setup with Ableton Live!

in #music7 years ago

Would you like to see my new music live-streaming setup because I think you're going to love it and this is what I'm most excited about?

Introducing My New Music Live Streaming Setup!

I've been putting the majority of my time and energy lately to plan for the foreseeable future, into building this into a 24/7 live music streaming station that plays new original music all the time using several hundred samples deep to start with, and then into the thousands, into the drums and all the different synthesizer areas, to literally make songs using a mathematical formula for when to start, cue up the next clip, when to be silent, that I think will be an amazing listening experience that's unlike anything we've ever heard before.

I'm really looking forward to listening to this myself and I'm excited to be creating it with you. What I'm going to do over the next few weeks is to show live as I make each of these individual chords, as I do things like make drum loops, as I do all of the work to make the basic setup.

What I'm going to need is hundreds, if not a thousand or more total samples of individual parts combined with a bit of math in Ableton Live 9 to get everything to play about right, and then just continue to add more and more, and adjust the play styles, the different rules that trigger various clips and silence, etcetera, in order to have a live music station that plays something different constantly.

So exciting!

Now, here's the layout I've got that I will show every single piece of it in a future video.

What I'll do here is show you some of what I can do with it.

If you've noticed from previous videos, I have a new beautiful camera. This is the 930C or something like that from Logitech. I've been using the 920C, which as you can see is filming my keyboard now.

This newer camera does not wash my face out and it's so nice. Especially since you can actually see the color of my eyes and everything. This camera will be used for recording all of the music videos and all of the new videos I do.

Here's an example of some of the sounds I can make just hitting a keyboard.

>> Listen to music clip on YouTube

I actually have to turn off my microphone because I've got actual speakers now so that I can hear this.

Deadmau5 in his master class says to make sure you can hear things, and discourages to use headphones when you're creating music, but recommends to use the actual speakers to hear how it sounds out in the open, because using headphones has a good chance at damaging your hearing as you keep getting louder and louder.

I actually need to mute the microphone in order to make the music. I'll explain to you the basics of how I'm using this, and then I will use it for you, show you what it actually does here, which I'm so excited about.

I've got four basic pieces of musical MIDI controllers, which stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or something like that. These four different controllers give me the ability to do a ridiculous amount of things.

This, in terms of my musical ability, is like giving a baby a Ferrari or a souped-up sports car to drive. I figure I just keep using it and I'll keep getting better with it.

I've got this M-Audio Code 61, which is a 61 key keyboard here.

This allows me to hit several octaves that I can't get on this smaller keyboard, the M-Audio Oxygen 25 on the left, which allows me to play a completely different instrument while having the entire keyboard open on two at once.

Now, if that wasn't already over the top, each of these have tons of buttons on them.

I then have two more interfaces, which is just way over the top.

I've got the Ableton Push 2, I could do it all with this single-handedly.

This thing is amazing for making drum beats. I'll make a drum beat showing how to do this in a minute, and this is amazing because almost anyone can just push buttons on here and make a decent sounding drum beat as you will see.

Then I have the APC40 MK 2 over here, which allows me to easily play and control five rows of clips on eight columns, which allows me to trigger instantly up to 40 different sounds straight off of the Ableton Live 9 Suite that I'm using.

I then have all these knobs on here and I can solo each of these if I want to. I can use the A/B slider on the side. I can have all kinds of effects on these knobs. This is just way over the top.

I can map all of these separately too. As I continue to get better using this, I believe that in the future I will have just a ridiculous amount of things mapped that will allow me to do incredible live performances that will just seamlessly integrate with the existing autopilot live stream that I do in Ableton Live 9.

I believe this is a zero to one breakthrough in music. I see right now, as far as I can see, all the live music stations essentially play pre-recorded music. I'm going to actually have this set up to make music live in real time using the basic parts. Anyone will be able to copy this formula and anyone will be able to use anything I make.

It will be CC0 - Creative Commons Zero.

Anything that comes out of my music station will be available free to anyone in the world to use without even needing to mention that it came from me.

I simply intend to be the source for beautiful sounding divine inspiring music, to just come out of me and the station I create on my YouTube, Twitch, Mixer and Facebook page, and then anyone is free to use that.

I'm actually going to have two separate live streams because I read the Facebook Terms & Conditions carefully. I'm not allowed to do the same stream on YouTube and Facebook at the same time. Therefore, I'm going to actually have two different live radio stations going at the same time. This is just crazy.

I've got all of it set up now. The last things I need to do are put the finishing touches on the live streaming wire.

I'm using Wirecast 8 Pro to do the actual live streaming. I'm going to need to set up the actual streaming destinations and test that out.

I'm doing this pre-recorded to make sure everything looks good to get any of your feedback on it and I'll demonstrate what this will do first here, and then I will start using this live on a daily basis until I've tested out the live enough, until I've tested out and got this down and got enough samples.

I'd like to have a hundred in each different sound. That's 800 with 8 different tracks of at least a hundred. That will give just billions of song possibilities.

You multiply 100 times 100.

If you multiply all the hundreds together they'll just be an incredible amount of sounds that can come out. Some of them will sound horrible and some of them will sound absolutely divine, and the ones that sound divine will make it all worth listening to.

I'd like to thank Tomas George especially, at the University of Tomas George. He has inspired me. He signed up on my Patreon page at the "Contact" level and has worked with me for over a year or about a year now with his business online and meanwhile I've taken his video courses. I'm still watching his Ableton course and I've gone all the way through at least one, if not a couple of his courses. Tomas George has helped me out a ton to get here today. He's also going to review my live streaming music setup.

If you'd like to learn about music production, I recommend learning with Tomas George at the University of Tomas George.

Now, after I've given you an overview of how this is all going to work and an idea of what to expect going forward, would you like to see how I actually play around and use these things?

Here we go. I'll show you a basic demonstration with each. I will have to mute the microphone because otherwise, you'll get this awful echo thing going on.

What am I going to do?

First, I'm going to just trigger a clip on this APC. Second, I'm going to just play some different sounds in on these two keyboards. Finally, I will make a drum beat live from scratch using the Push 2.

That's a basic idea of what these do, and then I'll just play around and you'll see how it all adds up.

>> Listen to music clip on YouTube

I am so pumped about this!

Did you see all the things that are able to be done just in real time?


Is it the most amazing drum beat you've ever heard in the world?

Well, no!

And it's okay, because it's fun.

You can just play around with this and that's what I'm so excited to do, just mess around with this, have fun, see what comes out, and go from there.

If you have suggestions, things like moving the screen around this way or etcetera, I'm hoping I can zoom in a little bit on Ableton because I've got a lot of blank space up here right now.

Meanwhile, I've got relatively small clips over there. It'd be nice to just kind of zoom in on this up here. I'm having so much fun with this. This is the main thing I'm going to be playing with going forward and making videos about.

I appreciate you watching or listening to this. I value your feedback in the form of comments.

I love you.

You're awesome.

Thank you for joining me for the first time I've got my studio all set up here with this new setup and I'll hope to see you again on some of the videos in the future.

Final words

I'm very grateful for the time you've spent reading this post, which was originally filmed as the video below.

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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

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I think shorter videos and posts would be better and more effective. If I were you I would think of it, to attract more people and more views.

As a witness i have upvoted you what is the benefite of i upvote you in witness page ? @jerrybanfield

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Wow that's really awesome I too had a dream to play on the music keyboard like you.... Nice post

Sounds Good!

man...I translated 2 of your last posts into Portuguese....you promessed an upvote of at least 20%....it's not much but you are not fulfilling man....I though you were on the right side of the force when I saw comments from guys attacking on some of your old posts but this makes me disapointed......not even an answer? Man....Could you at least explain me? I had a lot of work translating your posts as you promessed curation...no curation...why? this is the kind of attitude that makes people to don't trust others......and makes the world a crappy place....and veganism and those things DO NOT compensate lack of honesty....to who is reading just check my comments on @jerrybanfield 's previous posts...Is that you are not sure the translation is well done and accurate? Tell me what it is at least man....All the best

at least you should upvote my 2 translations and tell "don't translate more for now and I will think about the deal" but don't even answering is too bad

@jerrybanfield, I don't know what I would classify this music as, but it has a very spacey, "take me to your leader" vibe to it, a vibe that is matched by your quirkiness in the video and the outpouring of your genuine enjoyment of being in the moment creating musical sounds.

I love that you have the courage to put yourself out there like that and show the world your weirdness, because it makes you come off as a very genuine human being who is comfortable with himself and doesn't care what other people will say about "being weird" or whatever.

Thank you for taking us along with you on your musical production learning journey. It'll be cool to see where you are in a few months!

Is Jerry Banfield the most followed person on steemit?
My god! YOu have more followers than @Ned .
Good job , sir

Mr @jerrybanfield , I just upvoted you cz You help as in lot of things , you are so talented !Carry on man !
Ps: am a painter , you feel free to see my posts ;)