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RE: What The F... Am I Doing? - Guitar Handpan

in #music7 years ago

I just discovered your account, you have such an ispiring personality and I would love to get to know you in person!
I'm just starting on the guitar but I play piano since many years and am quiet good now :D
I do juggling aswell, last week my contact juggling ball arrived and I really love to play with my flowerstick without the handsticks, because i want to feel the flow in my hands :)
The combination is awesome, both are so great instruments! you could try to make a footpan out of the handpan ;)
I will for sure follow you and would be very happy to hear your opinion on my latest post, i hope you like it! have a nice day :)


Hello JB. Thank you, your words warm my heart. There are many people on Steemit who I met that I would like to know in person.
I hope you will post some music video soon? :)
Oh yeah, contact juggling is so relaxing! And flowerstick too, it's kinda slower that the conic one, so it's easier to juggle in a meditative way.
Haha, the footpan is a great idea, but I'm not sure that my friend would accept to let me play his handpan with my feet. :D

Thanks, I will check that! Have a nice day too!

when i get to the point where i can improvise, I sure will :) I am always open for new challenges.
I played diabolo (is this correct?) aswell, till i lost my sticks somewhere haha :D