Calling All Musicians, Producers & Creators Of Music On Steemit!
Calling All Musicians & Producers!
This is a shout out to all my musician and producer friends on the blockchain, and anyone that needs a good witness on their voting page. I would like to bring your attention a witness that many call a friend, including myself, that always has his ear to the ground listening to the people on the blockchain. So who is this mystery witness that I speak of, and what is he all about?
@enginewitty has been a big supporter of music and musicians on Steemit for a long time... he makes music as well, spitting some bars with fire! :D He also created the Killer Whale Karaoke Contest, which ran for a long time, of which I was also a Judge. He is also a major sponsor of The Blockchain Music Challenge for the 1st and now 2nd season.
He is a family man, married with 7 children and has a few of step children as well. Is very well educated with a degree in English from Bemidji State Univerisity & Tennessee Tech, and is also a Navy Vet. He has various black belts in kick assery, and yet is one of the most humble people. He also goes out of his way to help the homeless people in his local neighborhood, without seeking recognition. He's someone that is a free thinker, is true to himself, and never gives up.
@enginewitty is also one of the most approachable witnesses that I know of, and that says a lot. He always has your back, especially when you need it most. He is the creator of TheAlliance, or TheFam as we like to call it. He recently went to the Block Party in Colorado, which he made happen, with help from a few very cool people. He cares about communities on Steemit, and the people in them.
So I ask you my fellow musicians, producers, and anyone that likes music... who you voting for? Someone that talks the talk and lets you do the walking? Or would you rather vote for a witness that actually listens to the people of the blockchain. Because that is what counts, someone who listens and does what he can to make a change.
We need some change on the platform, and I call on you to help out in that regard. Make your voice heard, and vote for @enginewitty.
Take a minute, click the banner below to vote, and show your support.

Original Image Link
Done, but I had to change the link from
Thanks my friend, appreciate it! I will up date that here directly. :D
Here is a !BEER for you - with all the work you must be thirsty ;)
Thanks! Yeah love a good brew on hot days. :D
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go to @inthenow, here is your
token. Enjoy it!YES!!!!!!!!!
:D TY!
Got a link to vote him as a witness? :) Or is it that rotating image thing?
Done it, ignore me :)
Thanks my friend, much appreciated! ;)
Thanks for sharing the info! Information about Witnesses and voting for them is something that is greatly missing I feel on the platform
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Thanks man!
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You're welcome man! Thanks for supporting musicians here 🙂
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Sheez @inthenow! I didn't know before every detail of @enginewitty credentials, skillz, strengths & endeavors throughout the Steem blockchain. I didn't even know he was a witness either.
In fact, very little he had interacted with me along these long three years as to have known all this before. 😲
But I guess it's never too late to skin alive & properly a fellow music cat, knowing now that he's also a music lover, producer and busker. So, from now on, you and he might count with my vote for his witness account. };)
Cheers!! :)
Hiya! :D Yes it's never too late. Thanks for your support, very much appreciated! And nice jam on the video too!
My pleasure mate!! :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the tune. Cheers!! :D
I could watch this youtube video forever in a loop :)
This guy (Jack Broadbent) is great!!!
Haha yeah @pundito!! :)
He got the feelin' he master the hip flask slider. He have the swampy soul!! Isn't it? };)
110% agree with this, @enginewitty is a great Witness for all communities - always working hard to keep people interested and active on the Blockchain. I would vote for him twice if I could. !COFFEEA 15
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Agreed. :) Same here my friend. :D
@brisby shared this in PYPT, and I agree that @enginewitty is a wonderful presence on the Steem blockchain and in Discord! It is great to have someone who makes so much of a difference as he does! 💜
Absolutely. :D He is a force to reckoned with! We need more like him that's for sure. Thanks for the share @brisby!
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Highly appreciated man, got me a little choked up over here.
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No problemo, gotchya covered. :D
This is all 100% true!!!
Very proud to know him and call him Brother and Friend!
Thanks :D Yes it is.
Oh, I forgot the shit! :D
Well hmmmph, guess I will be taking shit from you today then! Ahahaha :D
well that's great, you have support from engine..I voted him as a witness and I meet him at the ramble discord server. And I found it in #pypt discord
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks a bunch, very much appreciated! :D Engine is good people... nuff said. Have an awesome evening. :)
Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT
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