"Wonderful Life!" By HeatleyBros - Fun upbeat GamePop Music
Greetings Heroes!
HeatleyBros is back again with another popular track, Wonderful Life! Use for free in your YouTube and Steemit videos!
I've also written you a special message below, read as you listen for the max effect! :D
Wonderful LIfe! By HeatleyBros
Greetings Heroes! Hope you all are having a wonderful day, and a Wonderful Life!
You better be, haha!
If you aren't having the best of times right now, let me try to remind of you something that maybe you forgot, or haven't thought about in a while.
Okay, I know it's silly, but look down at your hands. Move em around a little, give em a wiggle!
Cool, now, stand up for a second, and do a little 1-2 step jig to the beat here. Yeah, a little back an fourth. Yeah, like that! Now, try closing your eyes while your dancing, now start smiling just because, and remember how wonderful life can feel!!
Kinda feels good, doesn't it?
For a second there, did you forget whatever it was that was bogging you down? hmmmm wonder why that is?
Maybe, because you weren't thinking about it! and instead, you were IN THE PRESENT MOMENT! : O :D
What happens when you do that, is that the problems in your life become small in comparison to WHO YOU ACTUALLY ARE. Which is only ever, HERE, RIGHT NOW! :D :D :D
Allow your mind to relax and just be... right…. here.
Can you notice when you are right here, fully aware of your body and the experience of life itself, that the running commentary inside your mind temporarily subsides?
Chase that feeling, that's PRESENCE. Learn to master it. Notice how it's INHERENTLY PEACEFUL. : ]
The more you do it, the better you get, and who wouldn't want to practice being happy?? lol! Imagine getting to a point where you are in an eternal state of peace, no matter what happens, you are just rock solid peace inside, able to handle any issues without mental stress!! wow what a life that would be! There are some who are really good, I'm not great yet but I'm getting better all the time! It's time for you to start acquiring experience in this, and even Level Up!!
Go outside and practice! Go look at nature, look at the life around you, feel the breeze and the sun, fill yourself with WONDER and APPRECIATION, and try not to label anything or judge anything, just see it for what it is., what it ACTUALLY IS. : ]
It's all truly Wonderful, so..Wonderful! :' ]
The Power Of The Universe, the Eternal Presence, Flows WITHIN YOU! Get in touch with it, and you will BEAM LIKE THE SUN! ; ) Trust me, just try it, you'll get a taste and over the the coming months you'll create more and more powerfull peace within yourself. It's happening for me, so it can definitely happen for you!
No go out there and have the most Wonderful Life Heroes, it's so worth it! There is no problem you can't handle, there is no challenge you can't rise to, you are CHAMPIONS!!! :D :D :D
Love you all, GOOD LUCK HEROES!!