What's Your Favorite?
I looooove music, many types in fact. I don't think I can ever pinpoint just one song as my fave, I mean...how do you choose from so many?? Growing up, my dad would always put oldies on and dance around the house while he was "spring cleaning" as he called it lol, I loved it...spent quality time with my dad and got to listen to some great music. As I got older I became addicted to Hip Hop, R&B, you name it...as long as it had a good beat chances are i was boppin around to it. So I'm just gonna leave ya with this all time fave of mine tonight, hope ya'll like it, It's a classic, got a good vibe and can brighten up your step any day of the week. What faves do you all have??
All music is so good!

Following you :)
Thank you, following you too! I agree all music is so good!