The first music purchase in my life (I'd like to know yours as well)
I had a job for as long as i have memories of being alive, really. I know that we all can recollect pieces of being really young but I don't really remember all of my life from day-to-day until i was a bit beyond 1st or 2nd grade.
When i was doing paper routes or mowing lawns as a young kid I think that mostly my primary objective was to make money in order to always have money for candy (times were pretty innocent in the early 80's and Minecraft didn't exist.)
But there was another love that would come along that I think infected all of us during our lives and for me and many other people it was music.
I don't know if you can say the same and if you were always alive in the digital age I don't know if this will apply to you but I remember the very first album that i selected and purchased with my own money that I earned from waking up at bullshit o'clock and delivering newspapers to houses.

My motivation to buy this album was driven by the fact that the record store named "Pickles" was right next door to what I believe was the S&P stamp shop that was in the same mini mall and while I am sure the presence of me and my brother and sisters (all were very young) probably simply annoyed the store clerk at the time, I ended up buying this cassette by the time I left (with permission from my mother of course.)
I'm not sure what motivated my decision but this would end up kind of defining my life musically from that point forward.. It might have been the cover art with the in-turned forks into the eyes but mostly I think it was the fact that we listened to the radio a lot in my house and there was a song on this album that really appealed to me (and I presume a lot of other people) at the time.
From the official Scorpions channel
There is a lot more to this story than just digging the Scorpions song because they went on to become (and already were) one of the most famous acts out of Germany of all time. My little 8/9-year old mind likely only had a very small idea of where Germany actually was at the time when the other side of Nebraska seemed so incredibly distant.
However, the driving metal riffs in this appealed to me to such a dramatic degree that this is a notion that stuck with me until today where I listen to stuff much much harder than Scorpions and I presume it will remain that way for the remainder of my time on this planet.

The music i prefer now makes Scorpions look like NSYNC in comparison but in my mind, there is no denying that the connection that was made on that day in Pickles Record Store has stuck with me 30 some-odd years later.
The cassette likely cost me $3 or $4 but honestly i don't remember (it was a really long time ago.) There were no fold outs of any sort and it is the ONLY cassette from my youth that I still have. I am not even sure if it works because I don't even know anyone that has a cassette player (I don't even own a CD player anymore.) However, it was a momentous day and we all have a day similar to my own
I am a metal fan forevermore.... of this much i am sure.... and while Scorpions are extremely tame compared to what I listen to now, this first purchase was instrumental in defining the type of music that I would end up enjoying to this very day.
What was the first music you ever purchased? It doesn't have to be a cassette because we are all different ages. I am just curious to know if the first songs that you ever purchased (with your own money that you earned) ended up influencing what you listened to throughout the rest of your life.
Like most people I ended up spending thousands of dollars on albums: at one point i had a 200 CD flip book that contained an absolutely massive collection of mostly metal. We all had a starting point though and I am curious if any of you can remember the very first album that you ever purchased and even moreso.... if it ended up influencing your musical preference into the future in a similar fashion to my own.
Before anyone decides to bag on Scorpions know that Guns N Roses, Metallica, Megadeth, and even Spinal Tap feel as though the German band were major influences on their careers
Bought this in casette when i was only 6 years old! still a goldie

So do you think it's ok to rape the reward pool 4 times a day @gooddream?
Since almost everyone here is an asslicker I will just say it. Stop spamming posts only to rape the reward pool, there are authors that deserve more, don't be greedy.
At least you had the decency to write a reason why you are downvoting. I appreciate that.
I don't think it is ok for anyone to ever "rape" the reward pool. I do think it is ok to spend years building an audience and then having them elect to upvote your content though, which is kind of what this place is all about. The goalposts keep getting moved because anyone not in the inner circle is going to be attacked, it was only a matter of time before I ended up on that list.
I respect everyone's opinion on here and I never post more than 3 times a day plus i spend hours each day perusing the god awful "new" section hunting for authors to promote. If i wanted to truly "rape" the reward pool, I would make 10 posts a day, put no effort into them, and then only upvote my own stuff.
You can say that you don't like my posts and that's fine, but no one can claim my stuff is spam since they are all my own work and I put a great deal of time into them.
Even before HF 21 i never posted trash, and I never posted too much in one day. Think about it: If i really didn't care about Steemit, why wouldn't i have just posted like hell, with no concern to quality, and then only upvoted me? I am not the monster that you think I am.
So in your opinion what should I do? Stop posting? Stop making it to trending which is something I have no control over nor is it something i want? Ask the people who vote for me (that i dont even know) to not do so? Or perhaps the new rulers here would like to see anyone who is consistently popular power down and leave?
I am not breaking any of the rules that were initially set up by newsteem and I never did even before newsteem existed. This witch-hunt simply targets anyone that is not on their side. I never joined a side because I didn't want to get wrapped up in this.
Do you really believe 157 people read your post?
Your posts aren't spams but you are pushing them in a spammy way.
Anyone can write posts with the same quality as yours, but they get 0 for their hard work.
Do you mean by audience xedal and 4 other people? This is pathetic.
Restrain yourself from posting too much or decline payouts, easy hah?
That's a reasonable rebuttal and I appreciate you not resorting to slinging shit or deflections. I see you received a healthy flag from smooth and I can confirm that the posts I've seen of yours have had substance behind them. Judging what constitutes good content is a highly subjective and slippery slope that will never be resolved..
That being said Pearl Jam Ten was my first purchase but I also but Alice in Chains Dirt the very same day in what I'm guessing was 1991.. I'm pretty proud of those picks as they're albums I'd still buy today if I was inclined to give money to a record label, which I'm not..
Scorpions 🤘
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Those two albums are legendary and i think i am going to put Dirt on right now. I found a bar here in Chiang Mai that has an Alice in Chains cover band and they are just exceptional... oh those were the times for music for me. We would just sit with our unusually massive stereos, not even having any concept of what Bluetooth could possible be and jam out.
Awesome story shared here and I can relate to it given I grew up with a deep passion for music and later became and DJ and Music Producer. My music digging started with the era of vinyls and cassette tapes but as I remember the first CD I purchased was 'The Low-End Theory' by a Tribe Called Quest and 'Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde' Pharcyde can't deny that as a kid growing I used to love classic rock and heavy metal and grunge music, music was so much better back then and meant something, with that said lots of great music out there today but lots of filtering needs to be done that's for sure.
Once again thank u for the post and bringing up good memories :) Kudos!
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a great choice! they are real legends are real veterans of world music. I am not a big fan on them, but still respect those who were creators of music trends.
As for me, I can say about music purchase when I agreed to buy rather expensive tickets and go to another city (8 hours of road) to the concert. It was hell for me before the concert started. I was angry and mad about everything. Why am I here, when will it be finished etc...
but when I heard this music and voice skills of the singer, I was impressed so much that now it's my favourite one;) and God, lyrics are so deep, so touching, every song is a story with morality and a life lesson. Just perfect.
he is 60+ now, but he is still perfect.
my best music purchase;)
The video just says "Video not available" and i can't tell how the artist is. You got another link?
thanks for the interest;)
Kipelov is the name of the group and the surname of the front man.
my first purchase was i think Outkast - ATLiens
Good call, starting with the Scorpions!
I remember buying some singles when I was a kid - 'Nights in White Satin' is probably the oldest I still own.
I remember bartering a toy for some single when I was 5 years old - can't remember the details but the song wasn't in English.
First album was ELO - Discovery. In Martins the Newsagent in the pedestrianised square in Camberley. Damn that's a good album!
never heard of ELO - Discovery, but i'll check it out now. That was, after all, kind of the point of this post!
Shit. I feel like a boomer right now, I can't fucking remember what the first CD I ever got was. The closest I can remember is getting a Mudvayne CD when I was trying to get into Nu-metal and then realizing I wasn't a fan.
Yes!! Scorpions as your first purchase is classic!
I think about this from time to time as well. The first cassette I ever bought was through my mom and her Columbia House club. It was Quiet Riot - Metal Health. I remember that so well as it is an awesome album, and really kicked ass when I was young. Says a lot about my humble beginnings as a lifelong metal fan.
I remember my first CD purchase as well. CDs had just come out and were so great with the clear digital sound and no need to fast forward of flip the tape over! Ironically enough, it wasn’t metal. It was actually Inxs - Kick. Great songs and a great album I haven’t thought of in so long.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane my friend. We are both similar origins of metal fans.
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Another benefit of CDs was that you never needed to use a pencil to listen to older ones that got ate by your Walkman
Posted using Partiko Android
Not too shabby
Posted using Partiko Android
I also remember being really excited to buy Van Halen - 1984 and Huey Lewis & The News - Sports. Still awesome today but long lost by now.
The first music I bought was a single from John Lennon, I think it was (Just Like) Starting Over. It was a 45 rpm vinyl record. Or it might have been Woman from the same album...I really can't remember.
I think the Scorpions are awesome. I always forget how many great songs they had. I think my first album I ever bought was probably some obscure contemporary Christian artist like Carmen or Petra. Beyond that I think my first secular cassette was either the Top Gun Soundtrack or Huey Lewis and the News (Sport or Fore). I remember joining the BMG music club and having my CD collection expand about twenty fold within the matter of a couple of months! That dang shipping was just so expensive though...
yeah i joined Columbia house at 10 different addresses and different names. Just to prove that it didn't really matter what name you used i would sign up under obvious fake names like Bill Clinton and Chuck Norris but they still sent the CD's.
I guess enough people paid for the absurd "shipping and handling" fees (gotta love a "handling" fee of $3 per disk) to justify this business model though.
Haha, that is pretty funny. I remember the first thing I did was send them a letter asking them to change my subscription to only send me the monthly cd if I wanted it. Not automatically like their default model. Probably saved me a ton of money.
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