Chicken Attack is just epic

in #music5 years ago

I watch a lot of what might be considered "stupid crap" when I'm on the interwebs and one day I stumbled upon this gem that really deserves your attention. It is silly but at the same time manages to be a really fantastic creation that quickly becomes an ear-worm as well.


While this is not new, it might be new to you and I think it is very important that this be a part of your life. There is something really interesting about the ability to yodel also, and at least personally, it is something i find bizarre, inspiring, and a little bit unnatural.

Anyway, "Chicken Attack" was created by a group calling themselves Portal A and the Gregory Brothers. The original upload has been viewed over 17 million times and I am hoping that at least a few of you haven't already seen it.

The featured artist is Takeo Ischi who is a Japanese dude who while studying discovered yodeling and later found that he has exactly what it takes to be especially good at it. Most of his work is of a more serious nature, but Chicken Attack kind of made him a household name.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.


That was hysterically good.

I love this song! He actually went to Germany to be trained in it, it sounds so outlandish but it is ever so adventurous!

Lol, that is the weirdest thing I have seen in a long time, in a good way!

That's weird but creative.