Introducing "Sad Sunday"

I want to introduce a new tag. Sad Sunday is meant for all the music which brings out the tears. You listen to if you suffer from a broken heart, the hangover from Saturday or a brutal bear market.
I want to start this of with a song which I have on every playlist I made for years now even if I dont listen to it this often. But I don`t want to search for it if I feel like listening to it.
I ve first heard "Sophia" on the soundtrack to the german movie "Absolute Giganten" and was instantly hooked. I don`t think he is well known, at least I have never heared a song from him on tv, radio or another medium, but musicwise I am pretty much in my own circle.
Hehe. Resteemed to spread the message.
Thank you😀
Posted using Partiko Android
This is awesome! Sad music is the best. Great initiative.
I hope you tanke part
Posted using Partiko Android
sure! Will do!
That is great
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Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh no hahah, I dunno why buut I have batteries of sad songs in my old folders and various playist all across the internet :D Not sure why cuz Im in general a happy person hah :D Lemme dig em up and I might join with some of my breakup songs haha in the upcoming days :D
Or how does the tag work? Can I post only on sunday? :D
The idea is everyone who wants to participate is making a post with the song of their choice on sunday. So maybe everyone can find some new gems.
But sometimes I Post rapthuresday on friday as I forget 😂
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Posted using Partiko Android
Best movie, best song!
Agree (:
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Fight Club had such a good soundtrack
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I am in depression since 2 months but I am not really listen sad music because will make the situation worse.
I was listening in the past when I broke up with my ex
Posted using Partiko Android
Then you might want to avoid the tag.
Hope you feel better soon. Eat good food and workout a bit. Helped me the most when I feel down
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I introduced #Sadsunday tag to the #Steemit Japanese community. Thank you for supporting Steemit community.
Posted using Partiko iOS
that is great!
How did people like it ?
I do not know yet.
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For the Germans
Gundermann - fliegender Fisch
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gerade am hören. Kann nach der ersten Strophe sagen dass ich genau sowas super geil find
ein noch melancholisches Schmankerl vom Gundermann #vater