Synesthesia Review: Don Toliver - Donny Womack

in #music7 years ago

The vermillion voiced vocalist delivers a highly entertaining project after a stellar feature on ASTROWORLD.

Don Toliver was a relatively unknown artist before being the best feature on Travis Scott's aforementioned album, then being signed by Scott shortly afterwards. He's latest offering, Donny Womack continues he's upward trajectory in music. He's biggest asset being he's voice. He sounds nothing like anyone else out right now. The music itself sounds new and fresh for it.

The project just oozes bravado and is filled with braggadocio to the point of overkill. There's also themes of trust issues being explored on the amply titled, Issues. Donny Womack never fully turns into full on trap music, instead just lending certain elements of trap. The perfect example of it would be the Dice Soho assisted Holdin' Steel or album closer Talk No More.

However unique he's voice may be, it's easy to catch the lyrics and feel like a boss. He's charismatic enough to carry all but one song on the entire short run time of Donny Womack. This shows that he's more than capable of delivering a debut, carrying it on he's own talents and that he won't just be a feature man. He's vermillion voice isn't piercing either despite some of the notes that he hits. He knows he's range and explores it effortlessly.

I'm definitely a fan of the man's music now and provided future releases sound this brilliant I will continue listening.