Hey Kevin I could share some ideas. It all depends on what your budget is. I could see a costumed dance in whatever character from any sci fi show. You could have a contest on the best costume. There could be video music and movie clips from various eras of sci fi. you could go back to when JFK started the space program competing against the Russians as an audio clip. Imagine folks dressed up as spock, darf vader and all those that have come since. You could have a name that clip contest. You could include bloopers too. Food and drink could in in a sci fi theme. Decorations as well. Perhaps You all could be dancing to Weird Al parody on Don Mclean American Pie, Or do the the Time Warp again. You could go as far back as Telstar (1962). Perhaps folks would have to talk in Klingon or use phrases like Beam Me up Scotty for a free drink or other privileges. I could see a trivia contest with sci fi prizes. Even a silent auction or raffle that was space oriented. Different locations in the building or room could represent different places in time travel or different eras of sci fi. Folks could be lost in space (show). You could hand decorations of different galaxies and planets from the ceiling. perhaps the enterprise zooming in the air. Don't forget Riverside, Iowa - The home of James T. Kirk. As for a catch theme ...Perhaps 'Steppin out in Space" with the image of a couple and their feet dancing together showing the feet in particular in air. I do not know it is just an idea. Hope it helped. Live Long and Prosper.