Introducing Julia Della Scala, international crypto star and latest member of Team eMusic

in #music6 years ago

The latest addition to the eMusic Blockchain project has a lot going for her: she has participated in three prominent ICOs and she has lived in Los Angeles, New York, and Japan. Currently based in Tokyo, she has deep connections with the vibrant cryptocurrency community there, and she knows how to spot a good project that excites her. She’s one of the top voices in the crypto space, but she doesn’t spend a lot of time tooting her own horn. “I don’t advertise myself. I don’t market myself. I only work with people who I know and I like.”


So how did she get connected to eMusic? “I work by reference and referral,” she told us. “Many people come to me with their projects, but normally I don’t say yes so easily. The first time I met eMusic was during the Japan Blockchain Conference.” Quickly we arranged a meeting with Scala and it didn’t take long for her to see the value of our proposition.

Scala said after meeting with our team in person, she immediately connected with our project’s mission. “YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music — they need to resolve the problem that artists want to make a living by making music. It’s supposed to be that way, but because of how the industry works, they have to do something else to make a living. I thought, if the Blockchain can solve these issues and make the artist’s life what it’s supposed to be, also by working together with the existing platforms, I thought that was a really smart way to solve everybody’s problem: listener, artist, platform. Everybody wins with eMusic.”

Scala also sees the potential communal music making. “It becomes a music business for everyone, a label of the people.” The way that big record labels operated is, in Scala’s words, “too old-fashioned.” “[Artists] are still waiting to get paid [royalties] from 2010. So clearly that part needs to be improved. eMusic has a perfect solution for this. The funds can be the community supporting artists and working together. It’s a more direct way and honest way. It’s good for everybody.”

Scala is not a musician, but she wants the crypto community to see music as one of the big areas Blockchain provides. “Music is the universal language, this interests everybody I think. Even people who aren’t interested in music can see this an opportunity.”

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