What music does...

in #music7 years ago

The best is when we find music that changes our chemistry.
A song, certain chord progressions, a voice that vibrates your ears and your head in a different way than you've ever perceived.
A story being told that you can feel, that you have experienced in this life or a past one.
Memories are welling up in your chest and throat when you hear these songs...

You are instantly a kid again and in the Colorado mountains and your parents are wasted (and so are the Beatles) but you don't realize that until many years later:

You are a teenager in so much love you can't breathe and you just got your driver's license and you're high on hairspray fumes:

You are in college tripping on mushrooms and expectations and you realize there is a kind of music that makes you feel sane and smarter than your old Top 40 self you left behind:

Then I moved to NYC and fell out of touch w bands and new music in general... but my soon-to-be-husband showed me Scott Reynolds band the Pavers:

These are a few of my favorite songs (out of 7,000,000 other faves) ...
I'll post more soon.
What are some of your faves????