A truly emotional hip hop blockchain/bitcoin track!
Credit : Toby and Decap - welcome to the blockchain! Let’s take these banks down, if not completely, then at least by 50%, ;) it’s possible if we all HODL on strong ! Enjoy the track guys it’s my favourite at the moment :)
Dope! I just added this to my website along with two other crypto rap songs. I gotta say, this guy had the best one for sure.
They are all at the bottom of this page if you'd like to view them : https://thr3eye.com/other-things-crypto/
I’ve found one by Gramatik , another by Chris Record - hodlgang (the parody/remix of Gucci gang by lil pop) and a couple of other amateur ones, this by far is the most serious and hard hitting of them all for sure! Hope we can get it to go viral and spread the word even further, music is a great tool for people to express emotions and have more confidence in something that’s explained to them In as simple a manner as possible, like this track does :) I’ll check your link out too though for sure ! Thanks man
Well said. The hodlgang song was one of the ones I had posted. Of course that one was funny more than serious. I also hope that this song will go viral.
great song :D i love it