NEW Original Composition for Flute and Piano: A Wish for Flourishing and Renewal
Hello everyone! Several months ago, I was commissioned by Ms. Jennifer Nicole Campbell and the Delaware County Symphony Orchestra to compose a piece for flute and piano for them to premiere at one of their chamber concerts this year. I finished it early in March, but did not ask permission to post it here to Steem until now. It will likely be premiered in June, but I figured I would upload the midi recording for now, and upload the premiere performance whenever it happens.
I called the piece "A Wish for Flourishing and Renewal" because it was my hope that the corona virus pandemic would end soon, and that we could begin a period of Flourishing and Renewal. It still has not "ended" in Pennsylvania, but each day seems to be closer and closer. Here's the piece:
About the piece
Unfortunately, I can't really go into as much detail about this piece as I used to about the other pieces I wrote. When I posted the pieces in high school, and analyzed them, I considered them student pieces that I would not really publish, but rather learn from writing and feedback. In this case, I almost certainly will publish this piece at some point. What I can say is that it is in sonata form, but is not exactly standard in terms of the different keys used.
One thing I will talk about, is the composition process. I was allowed to write anything I wanted based on any inspiration I wanted. The only requirement was that it be six minutes long. I decided I wanted to make the piece something that I could also have performed at the church. So I looked at biblical passages that have flutes in them, and found a tragic passage prophesying the downfall of the nation of Moab, and talking about mourning Moab with the flute. @remlaps (being the bad guy in this story) told me that the passage was not familiar enough, and not to use it because Moab is just an obscure nation in the bible. So, I decided to go with cheerful music even though I really wanted to write a lament about an obscure nation I'd never heard of, and was only attracted to because it briefly mentions the flute in the bible passage. I texted @remlaps after church the other day though because the Pastor mentioned Moab. I pointed out that it was a missed opportunity, and that I could have spontaneously summoned a flute player after the sermon to mourn Moab with me. . .
Anyway, I also submitted this piece to my school's composition competition, and won second place out of all of the composers in the school. I'm very grateful for that immense honor, and was very impressed by some of the other submissions!
Thanks for reading/listening to this! Please remember that feedback is always appreciated! Have an awesome day!
The melody is beautiful, only the lyrics would be missing, although it seems that it was music for another theater as if they were interpreting a facet of a story doing dance.
You played the flute or the piano? although these sounds are made digital today, I think so through an editor like FL studio.
I really liked the music and the song that sounds like a saying I used to hear "Always at the end of the tunnel there is a light that gives us hope"
Congratulations on the achievement, you are a truly creative person.
Congratulations on winning second place at school...
You are really gifted. I don't know much about music, apart from enjoying it, but I loved the compo. It sounds wonderful to my spirit. Congratulations.
The tone and melody are wonderful. Perfect to play this when your anxious. These are some genre of music I play to calm my mind when in stress it really helps a lot clearing and refocusing my mind. Thank you for this sir @cmp2020 and congratulations to your great job! Looking forward for your next composition. I subscribe to your YouTube as well to get me notified to your new music compositions.
wow. i enjoyed the music . the melody has renewed my mood
Beautiful! Very impressive
Wooow it's a perfect mind relaxing tone to heal our soul, my friend, @cmp2020 ✌❤️
Thank you so much for such a wonderful product 🤗
wow that's great @cmp2020. Congratulations.

Thanks for sharing.
I like classical music too. Your composition is awesome and I like it. :) I'm listening to your music while I'm writing my comment. This music is uplifting. :)
Hi @cmp2020, congratulations on your second prize 👏 I think a composition that includes a true story or a myth provides the transfer of emotion from the composer to the listener. It made me feel hopeful but also it gave me rise to thought about the unclear future at the end of the composition.
Thanks for sharing your music with us 😊