Steemit Rap Challenge Analysis

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Submit your Week 8 Rap Challenge entry and want some critical feedback from someone in the industry? @chiefmappster ‘s weekly comprehensive analysis of the Rap Challenge aims to provide the Steemians who put in their hard work, time, soul, and resources into writing, recording, and releasing their Rap Challenge entries.

Through my experience booking shows, helping artists helping branding, and streamlined business decisions for many artists I have learned that you do not have to be an artist to know how to analyze music. Actually, I find the people with some of the best ears in the industry play no instrument or rap or sing. They were blessed with good ears and the ability to hear frequency levels. Most people don't realize the industry switch the frequency of music about ten years back to a less frequency to make the people listening more docile and obedient.

My goal the past seven years has been to meet, connect, and learn from the best minds in the music industry. This has led me to an unique perspective and the ability to distinguish between artist and person. Sometimes the best artists have the worst souls and vise versa. This music industry is definitely a place you want to have as many well connected and knowledgeable allies. It is very easy to get blackballed from the industry I have learned.

My main goal is to bring as much value as possible to the artist here on Steemit by providing unbiased, critical feedback. In my experience with helping artists, I have learned sometimes being too close to an artist can skew your critique of that artist.

You all put so much into these entries, I feel the least I can do is provide the most value and feedback I can. It’s just one way of me showing my thanks and appreciation for the work, time, soul, and resources you put into your entry.

That being said, here is my comprehensive analysis of this week's Rap Challenge contestants. Artists are scored on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.


ARTIST #1: @cryptodetective

His first entry into the Rap Challenge so its only right he's up first. And for real its wild you can rap and play video games at the same time holy shit your brain is epic. I really love the depth and variety of your lyrics. You spit some real shit about your life and what is going on in the world.

Have you scored as: Flow: 2.5, Lyrics: 4.0, Delivery/energy: 3.5 for a total of 10.0 points. Dinged you on flow because it was off in my opinon, but probably because you were pawning noobs at the same time as spitting haha. Next week lets see what you can do with the pawning of noobs. Looking forward to next week's entry from you, and don't forget to make a post so people can support you.

ARTIST #2: @voyceatlas

Ayyyyy this is what I love musicians on Steemit for. Unique, epic content. Man I swear a couple times I thought I was listening to Kid Cudi. And man that shit was epic. Your flow, the positive vibrations it gave out all while talking about difficult and relatable subjects, and the awesome creative video really made this entry for me buddy.

Have you judged as the following: Flow: 4.5, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for a total of 13.5 points. I really think you should release this man somewhere. Distribute it somewhere. it needs to be heard by the people. it really brought my spirits up and performed a really great technical entry. I will definitely be playing this a lot during my day. Thanks again for creating this epic masterpiece my friend. Namaste.

ARTIST #3: @yellowcakeradio

Wow @yellowcakeradio you really upped your game with this entry. Progression, not perfection and wowzers you progressed in my opinion from last week. Just need to practice more and know your lyrics so you can bring that flow on par with your delivery and energy. Your video was epic in my opinion too, switching up to that view really gave the audience perspective of you and where you are in your life.

Have you scored as: Flow: 3.0, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.0 for a total of 11.50 total points. i have a feeling the flow quality is because of you reading and maybe not practicing them as much. But shit when do consciously and subconsciously know your lyrics man o man will you reach your full potential as an artist. that's what my gut is telling me.

Check out his post here let's goooooo:

ARTIST #4: @enginewitty

O weeeeee you brought the Rap Challenge all the way over there my dude, that's whats up. We need more original and different entries in the Rap Challenge each week. The lyrics were a little too explicit for me personally but I know you do and will have a swarm of females fans loving this fire. It really is a different style you are creating. And women have 50% of the purchasing power in the United States so man the potential for your market is vast.

I have you scored as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 3.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.0 for a total of 11.5 points. I absolutely love the creativity in your video, it really compliments your style amazingly. Your voice is so smooth for real my dude. A smooth DMX it reminds me of. I have a feeling you are going to develop a epic fan base that is close-knit and niche just like Tech ni9e and Machine Gun Kelly. Do you rehearse before you spit these or is this off the dome? Thanks again for all the effort and time you spent in creating this entry for the Steemit music community. You are really doing great things in this community.

Check out his entry here:

ARTIST #5: @senzainfinite

"He is an accessory to the plot." O wee you already know. Everything thing about this entry was amazing in my opinion. From your smooth 90s style flow, to the epic deep, real spiritual lyrics. You definitely progressed in my opinion from last week. i just felt like you were speaking to me directly so I don't know what you did this week but you really made the audience feel like you speaking to them specifically.

Have you scored 4.5 across the board for a total of 13.5 points. You inspired me with this entry and wow I cannot wait to hear the real shit you spit about next week. I am going to show this entry to a few people and see what they say. Namaste keep doing great things.

ARTIST #6: @vandigital

Holy shit you killed this one. And it was a freestyle o weeeee. This is the type of music I personally love. Laid-back, epic lyrics, smooth flow, and killer " This week they asked me to drop topics, but I live in Malaysia thats the tropics." "I hit the fork. Like Bitcoin. Cashhhhhh." Holy fuck get em those are two of my favorite lines from this entry. But for real you had so many good bars to choose from and this is a freestyle Steemians. He didn't write it.

Had you scored this week as the following: Flow: 4.5, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for a total of 13.5 points. Man you got your own papers let me get some of those haha. That is so epic bringing that in the flow and going back out love it. Dinged ya on flow for a few pauses but that's just freestyling. Can't wait to see next week's entry o weeeee buddy.

Check out his entry here:

ARTIST #7: @mickeymic

That fro my dude epicccccc. "I'm going to wake you up. Irish. Coffee" Ayyy I love how you intertwined your life with your lyrics in this entry. i really feel like this is the best entry you have had so far. it seems you really let go and was your self and destroyed this entry. You have progress so far in the weeks already holy smokes can't wait to see where you go from here buddy.

Have you judged 4.5 across the board for a total of 13.5 points as you truly did work on this beat. Maybe this type of beat is your gateway to the next level in your life. i have faith in you buddy you are about to do great things. Namaste buddy.

Check him out here o weeeeeeeeee:

ARTIST #8: @palisade

I think of @palisade as the Rap Challenge's clean up hitter. He bats fourth because of his consistency, his obvious talent level, and he has the chance to hit a home run every time he is up. And holy fuck did he hit it out of the park this week. I legit had goosebumps the entire performance. You absolutely mastered this entry in every way and its why I gave you a perfect 5.0 across the board for a total of 15.0 points.

I am speechless man every bar you spit was as good if not better than the last. All real knowledge, all real shit. Some of these rappers wish they had just one of your bars in thier lyrics let a lone all of them. holy shit man. You are about to take this music game by storm, my gut is strong with this one. I have no doubt we wil lbe eharing you on the radio (if that is what you wish) real soon. The "mainstream" audience needs a wake up call and @palisade you are it buddy. I would put my resources behind you just so your message could be heard. Only costs $30 grand to get 6 months of radio play in Charlotte, NC so it's not out of reach buddy. Thank you so much for all you do, you wil lbe President one day I am sure of it. Namaste.

Check it out here:

ARTIST #9: @opinizeunltd

"Scouting for shooters like Mark Cuban." what?!!! O weee man you went in on the bars this week. I think your lyrics this week were your best so far. Now we just gotta get your energy and flow to get on that same level. I love the creativity of your video, your smooth flow, and your spirt it's absolutely contagious. Keep spread that positive energy I see you.

Have you scored as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 4.5, and Energy/delivery: 4.0 for a total of 12.5 points.Like I said above your lyrics are epic on this one. "Third eye open," I see you buddy. Let's get it and create this real, positive change this world needs. I'm lacking on suggestions to help you specifically with flow and energy, but my gut says you already know the answer. Thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this submission, your work does not go unappreciated.

Check out his epic entry here:

ARTIST #10: @benja

I am super critical as you know, but holy shit @benja this was absolutely incredible. From the fast spittin to the perfect flow to the amazing energy and vibes your performance and lyrics brought, it was an absolutely perfect (if that is even possible) entry in my book. This is the first Rap Challenge entry I have rated a perfect 5.0 across the board since I started analyzing entries in Week 2 for so many reasons my dude.

First, I could actually understand each word with is rare with fast rappers. That means you are enunciating, breathing, and pronunciating correctly in my opinion at least. Doing all three of those things is extremely difficult as you for for a rapper. It takes years and years of practice to get up to the level you are at right now so props to you.

Second, your lyrics man. What the fuckkk. "First of all, here to call all my brothers. Steemit is the place to be and our bond is getting stronger." O weeeeee you just channeled the universe's consciousness with this flow. Some serious goosebumps I got over here when listening.

Third, you did this in one take. There are only a handful of rappers and/or singers that I am aware of that can do that. Recording in one take is extremely hard to do and is why I have only see it several times in my experience.

And lastly (I could go on for like 10 points but you already know), you had fun doing this. That fun and positivity is contagious to the listener and watcher. I couldn't stop smiling when I was watching you video. that shit is contagious so many keep it up the universe is going to put you on real fast because of how much inspiration and good you are and will do. Namaste my brother.

Check out his post here:

ARTIST #11: @dmalever

Wow man I love this video quality. absolutely top notch. the translation on the screen helps so much to provide context to the audience. I also love the bilingual aspect of this it helps double your audience just like that by offering two languages which you r message can be heard. I pray for you and the Venezuelan people my dude you all will make it through stronger than ever. My gut tells me this. Back to your original form in no time.

Have you scored as: Flow: 4.0, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.0 for 12.5 total points. the more you progress each week with your entries, I feel like your ideal entry is coming soon. As I believe this is your strongest overall performance to date. You have confidence and I could tell. You believed in your lyrics, which I could tell. this is amazing and can;t be taught. Once you reach your fullest potential watch out world the Venezuelan Takeover is about to arrive.

Check out his epic bilingual entry here:

ARTIST #12: @yakuhi

Oooo my brother this is that real shit the world needs to hear. It can serve for such an inspiration for all the people in this world complaining about their position in life. this is the most energy i have seen in you in any entry so far so you are on to something my friend.

We don't have much to give, but when we do it comes from my souls." is my favorite line man o man goosebumps again fuck keep it up buddy you are figuring out your ideal formula for rapping heck yeah. Have you scored as: Flow: 4., Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 4.5 for a total of 13.0 points.* I dinged ya some points cause I could tell you were reading a little but shit once you memorize your lyrics the worldwide take over of @yakuhi begins. Can't wait to follow your journey my brother you are on the path of greatness, keep it up.

Check out his entry here:

ARTIST #13: @verbal-d

O weeeeee my dude this is the energy I am talking about. I can feel it from here and its amazing how hand gestures and letting go just provides so much energy for you in this entry. I think you are figuring out your perfect formula o weee. Shit you are a OG lyricists we know these, so here are my favorite lines personally:

  • "Positively reaching my pinnacle. Not drowning underwater, I evolve with more than tentacles." Man you are speaking the truth. Progression not perfection.

  • "There's no cutting corners, rather have amputations. I'm on Gods' plan, can't demand cancellation." Literally goosebumps when I just wrote them down in this post. So you already know what that means.

Had you scored as
I dinged you .5 on flow because I can notice a little difference in the quality of your flow when you start your flow compared to your flow in the rest of the entry. But I definitely understand it is very difficult to go from 0 to 100 real quick. That's the only thing I would change on this entry. Looking forward to next week's thanks again you are @alao are truly Leaders of Steemit.

Check out his entry here:

ARTIST #14: @fraze

Hey buddy don't worry about arbitrary rules I will analyze and appreciate your work. "O she is anchored to fear"o weee man your lyrics would epic in this one. I kept catching my self thinking "did he really just say that o weeeee."

I love your spirit and the vibe you exude. It really chilled me out while allowing me to obtain some knowledge in the process. And that is a very hard thing to do so props to you buddy.

Have you scored as the following: Flow: 3.5, Lyrics: 4.5, and Delivery/energy: 3.5 for a total of 11.5 points. Do you sing? Because I feel like you took a singer's mentality on this one instead of maybe a rapper or MC perspective. But regardless I appreciate your style and the time and effort you put into this entry. thanks again buddy and can't wait to see more entries from you in the future.

ARTIST #15: @mikedynamo

Last, but certainly not least is @mikedynamo . I really love your voice and style I can tell you are an OG in real life and know whats up. Ayyyy and I loved how you ended your entry so wavy and epic o weee.

Have you judged 4.0 across the board for a total of 12.0 points. I love how much fun you had with this entry and it was a freestyle. Most of these cats right their rhymes for this challenge. So props to you man, let's see what you have in store next week with some written material and see what happens. O weee keep doing great things. Namaste buddy.

Check out his awesome entry here:

This concludes @chiefmappster 's comprehensive analysis of the Rap Challenge Week #8. I hope this helps and brings value to the artists who participated and also any Steemian part of this community who is interested in music, competition, or positive messages.


Stay tuned to next week's comprehensive analysis. Also, if you or anyone you know are a music producer (beatmaker) get more information here:

If you want to join the Dreams Come True Discord channel, a place where artists, musicians, producers, businessmen and women, and non-profits interact to try and help one another with achieving their dreams. Join here:

Thank you as always for you time, support, and attention it means a lot to me .




This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @alao! For more information, click here!

Wow thank you kind sir.

You got one more comming!!!

Oooooo snappp :)

You should get a Grammy or something for the maximum amount of positivity in this post, giving artists the confidence boost or the needed advice to grow. Like, you reaaally take your time to study every entry and really listen to them. Much love and respect to you @chiefmappster!

Wowwww thank you so much my brother, I truly apprecaite those words.

Lord knows how drained I am after I write these analyses. Sometimes an all day event, but it is well worth it my dude. If I can survive and grind through it, Why not do it and try and help y'all get your dreams to come true.

Thanks again for your words. I will keep them locked away until the next time I need motivation. thanks bud. And take a look we got a new challenge aimed at dreamchasers called the DCT Challenge. Take a look if you don't mind when you have a second. Thanks bud.

Appreciate the time and effort you put in to provide your analysis and the way you word it gives it a unique perspective and I enjoyed reading about all the entries. Respect for this @chiefmappster!

Man i appreciate you saying that. It's cool with my writing in the music community I get to keep it as real as I can which I absolutely love. Glad you enjoyed it, that made my night hearing that from a OG (well in my book at least )

Personally, I'm not a big fan of freestyle. It gets sloppy and I get mean as shit. But before I do a video and write lyrics, I'll listen to the beat for a day or so, then start freestyling over and if I like anything I say, then I write it down. As for the I had better equipment, they'd be off the fukn chain bro. Thanks for the ups!

Heck yeah my brother for sure. And just wait until we get Steemit Studios up and running o wee then to the moon we go.

But yeah I've noticed that i my experience within the music industry. with freestyling its love or hate. But cool that everyone has their unique process to creating their art. thanks again for your time and attention buddy, keep doing great things.

them verses be lit doe!....Anyway awesome post! FOLLOW ME back for awesome crypto related posts!

So lit fam Namaste :)

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Thanks for the feedback man. respect and peace to you

You're welcome buddy. Glad to do my part. Thanks for caring appreciate you really do buddy.

Good stuff! Energy !!! Working on it. Thanks for the feed back yo!

You're welcome buddy. Keep progressing o weeeee :)

Thank you for the kind words man. I absolutely want to take this as far as it can go. what you said definitely resonates I'm trying to be heard both as a solo artist and with the group I'm a part of and i put everything into my lyrics but produce music as well. My end game would be start an entire movement brother.

O wow yeah thats freakin epic. Wow i can't even imagine how epic your group is if you are in it holy shit. and you can most defintely tell you live this shit day in and day out and thats what it is alll about.

And I appreciate your words glad i could do my part. But shit let me know what i can do to help. I can start pushing your music through the network. Just need some links my brother.

Its me and @eddiebxxxx and the instrumentals are produced by Jux Tpose. When I say "think you fuckin with hive gang" thats who I'm referring to our group, Hive Mind 11.

My solo stuff is:
(I like soundcloud for quality of sound purposes)

and our groups (Hive mind 11) channel on youtube is here:

We actually have a full album recorded and mastered professionally just working on our album art.

Wait you and @eddiebxxxx i nthe same fuckin group?!!! Wtf you gotta be shittin me. this is epic. You two are epic fackk. Are you guys related by chance? For some reason I feel like you are haha I dont know why. haha

On it right now thanks for letting me know.

@alao got you a $1.87 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@alao got you a $1.87 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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Ayy thank you :)