What Major Music Festivals are Missing!

in #music8 years ago (edited)


Pemberton Music Festival (As seen here during DJ Snake's set) is the biggest and best place to see music in the Vancouver area.  It's a place you go for a wicked party full of drugs, sex, and crazy shows.  This is a modern day Woodstock with amazing vibes, kids kissing and police giving free high fives.  I am a true music fan and love every second of Billy Idol and Pearl Jam like I do DJ Snake or J Cole, my friends on the other hand are a different story.  They're chasing girls around, doing every kind of drug imaginable and obviously, getting very drunk.  I lost my friends almost on entering the festival and spent a day trying to contact all of them while my phone was dying.  THE AGONY.  I ended up missing a show by Miguel who's music I recently got into and was looking forward to seeing him a lot.  I started to ponder, how is the world's knowledge in my pocket and I can't even find my friends at a music festival?


In recent news, "Pokemon Go" has been taking the world by storm, leading nerds to the great outdoors on a quest to "catch 'em all!"  The app shows a beacon in your area that you must walk to (using GPS as your guide) to catch your Pokemon.


I MUST be able to find my friends with such an app!  Think of how many hours of these festivals music lovers would save looking for their friends.  I wanna "Catch 'em all" and save precious (and ridiculously expensive) time looking for them while my favorite artists are performing.  As far as festival life goes, this is something that every person has encountered: "meet me im at th left side of the stge" texts your barely-sentient friend. With total confidence, you reply: "ok, Ill be 5 mins" only to go there and find yourself in the middle of 10,000 people jumping up and down, wiping their sweaty armpits in your sunburnt face.

If you agree with this, support such an app when you see it, this world will be a better place!  I'd like to know what you guys think, comment what you think music festivals need the most and we'll see if we can make this world a better place and keep friends together!  Thanks :)


Great app idea to keep friends together. Rooted in practicality too. It's such a draaaaaag when you are standing around waiting and looking for someone when you could be dancing to the music instead!