Less Drake, More Tupac

in #music7 years ago

I bought a piece of art when I was in LA, I went to an art showing. I was walking around looking at all the pieces, and I came to this one piece and my heart dropped. It was this light piece, and it said “Less Drake, More Tupac.” I’m staring at the wall, man, and at first it was just anger. I felt like ripping that shit down. Then I stood there for a second, and I was like, “That’s my name up there. I’m representative of this generation, and this guy loved Pac enough to make this piece, and that’s fucking amazing man.” Because you know what? I hope some day someone will make that piece for me, and it’ll be like, “Less Whatever, More Drake.” But just the fact that my name is up there at this art gallery as a piece of someone’s art, and they felt like... It could have been anybody else. It’s evident that he doesn’t like my music, which is okay. I ended up buying the piece and putting it up in my crib too. It cost me like $6,000. I put it in my place in Miami, in the studio, just to remind me that I’m doing something right. - Drake
