Omg Detroit Techno militia are beasts...lovely sounds from them mehn. Kept knodding my head all along to this beat. Am sure the whole of Chicago stood up to these sounds. Nice one from them.
Great sounds...I use CDJs.. never tried vinyl unfortunately.. after watching this I feel like I'm not even a real DJ at all.. THIS is real DJing. Some mesmerising shit..
Excellent techno version....
Nice video....
No Trakktor , no sync button ! That's what DJing is !!! BRAVO ! Awsome music!
yes awesome

wow nice sing asong.

Wow that's a great music! I have noted you like music tracks very much! That would be a great thing for reduce the stress level.
There is only ONE way ,.. and thats the HARD one !!
Omg Detroit Techno militia are beasts...lovely sounds from them mehn. Kept knodding my head all along to this beat. Am sure the whole of Chicago stood up to these sounds. Nice one from them.
Great sounds...I use CDJs.. never tried vinyl unfortunately.. after watching this I feel like I'm not even a real DJ at all.. THIS is real DJing. Some mesmerising shit..
I like techno great music 🎶❤️

Upvoted and have a nice day ^^
ohhh @asmolokalo Nice music A great job Really a great Dj i first time listen this Thank you for sharing this music with us

I really like the beats of this music video.

@asmolokalo, Exclusively awesome video musicsssssss
I wanna fireeeeee with DJJJJJJJJ