My brother joined steemit. :)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

So, I just recently introduced my father who joined and he's had a very warm welcome so far which is cool, but.. I felt like I should introduce my brother as well, especially since.. He signed up like a month before my father.. I just didn't really think about it cause my brother is a lot better at computers and stuff and I feel like I needed to help my dad more.. Though I can pretty easily make up an introduction post for my brother too!

Additionally.. I have another brother that's in the process of signing up! And I'll make one of these for him as well when he finally gets his first post up.

So as some of you know, my father is a photographer like me and we worked on a movie together, my brother @willowjon on the other hand is much more of a video maker and YouTuber and has made quite a few videos for that platform over the years as he travels around the world and films his adventures. He's also into branding and dreams a lot lately and he's a musician too, I hope to see him posting more of his music on here as there is a great music community here on steemit!

By the way, here's his recent entry into the openmic. It'd be cool if you checked it out and if you like it, please show some support and give him an upvote or a comment or a resteem, or a combination of those things. :)

And also..
Here is my brothers original introduction post here on steemit.. And oh, oops.. Looks like it was around two months ago now that he signed up, not a month like I thought.

This picture below I took of my brother years ago and I still think it's one of the most epic pictures I've taken. I probably should have been just focused on getting the shot, though I felt comfortable I already got a good one and he wanted a portrait so he ran out in front real quick and we got this amazing shot. Not too many shots out there with someone who has lightning on one side of him and a rainbow on the other! Not to mention the path across the creek, the mountain in the background and the sunset! :)


There's a lot more to learn about my brother, he skates and snowboards and is a super funny guy who a lot of people think should be a comedian and he has a very positive and energetic and bubbly personality and I personally think he's going to do well on here if he sticks with it! I wish him luck in general in life and I have a lot of love for him.. Hope some of you show him some love as well and give him a warm welcome. :) Thanks if you do! And that's it for now. Talk to you later peoples!

OH.. PS.. I will send all of the earnings that this post makes to his account since he definitely needs it a lot more than me right now seeing as he just got started recently!


Welcome to steemit , this community is full of wonderful inviduals that help one another towards success :)

That's awesome you have your dad and brother signed up and helping them succeed. They're getting in just before the explosion in sign-ups I think. I've tried to convince my sister to join, but she says "too busy" - though she has time to post to FB eighteen times a day. My older kids also claim to be too busy. I have thought about setting up accounts for my younger girls - they might find tens of thousands of dollars in STEEM in 10-15 years time.

Indeed! I think it's pretty cool, especially the more I think about it! It's like we can all sort of work together and help each other on here. And yeah! I think this is like.. The time right now before steem goes into hyperdrive so to speak... With SMT's that's the first start, and then.. I dunno when steemit is officially going live, but.. I have a feeling they need to extra focus on that now especially as we have news of social media giants like Facebook considering a coin and blockchain stuff.. Steemit in my mind really needs to get out in the market soon before Facebook potentially steals a lot of their thunder.

Don't get me wrong though, I don't think Facebook can ever be steemit, I think they can just prevent a lot of their bleed off into steemit if they adopt a coin and blockchain themselves soon. Though I doubt they'll do blockchain, they are too corrupt. They need to censor stuff..

And heh.. Yeah.. I get similar response when trying to get people to sign up, claiming their too busy yet posting on Facebook all the time.. It can be frustrating.. But that's awesome you're thinking of helping out your younger girls with an account! A little bit could really add up.. I think that would be a nice gift!

Having a bunch of family members and friends here would be awesome. Well, I'm just three weeks or so into my journey here, so I imagine I'll make new friends here. But it would be cool to have some offline friends want to join. Oh well, I guess it will allow me to say "I told you so" in the future. Especially to the ones I talked into buying bitcoin, but haven't been able to get on Steemit.

I'm not worried about Facebook at all. It's a completely different kind of platform, and to be honest we wouldn't want all the nonsense posts here that end up there. I don't know how they could make decentralization work anyway - as you said they need to censor, and they are beholden to their shareholders as a publicly traded company. Not to mention the drain on the rewards pool by scammers and even just the constant nonsense posts over there. I still use it to keep in touch with friends I made while living in Thailand, but for the most part Facebook has become useless. Even their "discovery" engine or whatever you want to call it - the thing that decides what I see in my feed - is completely wonky.

Nice! It looks like you have such a creative family! I will sure check his blog!

Word! We do have a pretty creative family. :) I also have a sister and mother, though my mother has never used any social media so I doubt we'll see her on here, computers and technology isn't really her thing. My sister on the other hand.. Maybe.. But.. I think she sorta just uses Facebook to keep in touch with friends, so I kinda doubt it.

Though.. It is fascinating to see how steemit is bringing numerous members of my family over here, including my father who barely ever used Facebook and my other brother who is in the process of signing up who doesn't really use computers much at all.. Steemit is definitely pulling a lot of people! It's cool to see. ._.

Thanks for checking out my brothers blog! Hope you find something you like. Cheers bud.

Wow you are bringing your family in! STEEMIT addicted :D I also brought my Sister here and hope she will do more better than me too!
Welcome to the STEEMIT friend! You got a nice backup from your great brother!


Haha. Yep. That's cool you brought your sister over! I hope she does well on here! And thanks for welcoming my brother. :)

Thanks so much to my brother Paul for the kind words and getting me interesting in the steemit platform. I have had quiet a wild life with dreams of being a pirate in another life sailing off the coast of the Caribbean, exploring the lands and finding adventure and a bit of chaos wherever we went! Here's to all the explorers and dreamers out there! Keep on living, sharing, and creating the life you want to live! #willowjon #willowjontv

You're welcome bro! Glad to see you having fun on here and making some money too. I dunno how much you made on YouTube, but you already made more than I ever made on YouTube here on steemit after only blogging for a little bit. And there's a lot of cool people here you might not otherwise meet, so I think it seems like it will be helpful, hopefully anyways! Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Cheers bro, love you.

Awesome! I've been talking about steemit to my friends quite a lot lately. My cousin and one of my friends signed up on steemit yesterday and they are waiting now until the registration is finished. It feels great to bring someone to this amazing platform. And it's cool to have a real life conversation about the blockchain with someone who finally understands the technology at least a little bit :D

Yeah.. It's cool. :) I always found it a little odd having family on my Facebook page because I post a lot of crazy stuff, lol... But.. That's who I am, so.. I don't really worry about it too much. It's a bit different over here on steemit for some reason though... It's hard to explain or put into words. I dunno, it just sort of almost feels like we're working together now probably because the financial element.

And yeah.. It does feel great to bring people over here, the benefits are so much higher than that of any other social media I can think of. It's like.. When you show someone this place, you are helping to enrich their lives in numerous ways, as weird as that may sound.. That's how powerful this place can be... It has changed a lot of peoples lives for the better.

And haha.. Yeah.. It is nice to have other people outside of the computer to talk to about this stuff for sure! Heh.. Thanks for the thoughtful comment trendo!

I know just what you mean! I feel exactly the same way posting something on facebook, but here it really feels different. I simply want all my friends and family to be on steemit, because it can change their lives!
Indeed there is no ther social media that has so many benefits like steemit. Nothing comes even close :)

It seems like your bro has a lot of potential to produce great content. I will try to connect with him, since I am a youtuber as well. I'm waiting for the cousins too to subscribe on steemit :D

@apolymask - Sir it's a good thing... Why wasting time at FB to make rich Mark Zuckerberg while we have a better platform... Excellent thought Sir... He will get my 100% support too...


Thanks steemwija! That's awesome of you. :) And yeah I agree.. I do still have friends there, but.. I barley use Facebook anymore at this point. Hopefully steemit becomes the top social media in the future! The world would be a much better place if more people got more rewarded for their time and content!!

I didn't know @willowjon is your bother! I'm following him too, but i don't​ see much of his post on my feed though

Word. :) I think I actually found your page after seeing a comment you left on my brothers page? I'm not sure.. But that's cool either way! And yeah, that's a bummer. He still has a small following and it's probably hard to compete with the other feeds until he builds up more a following.

Really? Thanks. I hope to see more post from you guys. Dont worry just keep on posting, thats what i do know. I remember kn my first week i keep on following more people but jot creating my own content. Know i dont worry about numbers just concentrate on my content. :)

Indeed. You're welcome. Same with you! Hope to see more posts from you as well. And yeah.. I think some amount of worry is healthy, but.. I try not to stress to much about it.. I'm in a decent position here on steemit and am hoping to grow more soon. Though I do wish I would have focused more energy here now!
Cheers and good luck to you on here!

Im just starting to be comfortable on posting and maybe, learning on writing content :) yes please feel free to drop by on some of my posts, hopefully i get to learn on creative writing soon.

I do wish to have some sort of priority list for followings so we dont miss some content from close friends

Cool! Right now I just have a small group of less than 10 people I regularly check the pages of, but if I see one of your posts in the feed and it looks interesting I'll definitely check it out and leave an upvote or some feedback or do a resteem if I like it!

And yeah.. I wish there was a better way to keep in touch with people or an app or something, but for now you kinda gotta do it manually!

Good luck with your creative writing and with things on steemit and life in general!

Thanks man!

Welcome to your brother