The Divinity of Master Fard Muhammad by Amir Fatir and Jamillah Muhammad

in #muhammad6 years ago

 Surely there whom you call upon from Beneath Allah are initiates similar to you. So Call upon them and let them answer you, if you are sincere. Quran 7:194  

 The Quran says that “Allah is the Best of Planners”. When an individual’s consciousness/will has become fully aligned with that plan she or he becomes a divine being, i.e., “God in Person”.  Attaining to such realization is achieved through spiritual cultivation which is called “initiation”. When the scripture refers to “slaves”, it means initiates. Most of the deified beings of antiquity were initiates who achieved the goal of realization, i.e., divinity. When such an enlightened one leaves the physical gross body she is called a Sheps. Sheps is encoded in Nation of Islam mathematical theology as “The Tribe of Shabazz”. The word “Africa” means “land of the spirits”. The Teaching says that the Asiatic Black Man entered Africa 50,000 years ago. Mastery of the 50 sound units of power allows the initiate to enter the consciousness (land) of the Gods (Africa). Such Sheps are able and willing to intercede on our behalf if we ask them and if we are “Saddiq.” That word is translated to mean “sincere”, but it’s technical word that means “true of speech” (Ma Heru), i.e., that the initiate has passed the tests of the weighing of the words and weighing of the heart in the Halls of Maat. Scripture refers to this as the Day of Judgement. If one is not true of speech, and cannot be assured of assistance from the Sheps, the initiate who attained neteru (divine) realization. Master Fard Muhammad was an initiate. He reached Sphere 1 (Ausar) of the Tree of Life and became God in Person, i.e., God took up reordence in his nafs (person or sal). Another word for that is Avatar. Fard Muhammad was the Great Avatar of this Age of Pisces. His word (doctrine) reshaped and directed civilization, and that is another indicator of a God in Person. Many concepts and theories that guide the world were first taught by W.F. Muhammad. The ability to genetically modify human beings is one of many Fard’s first teachings. The Quran says “He is Allah in the asteroid belts and the earth.” The man or woman who realizes divinity (sphere 1) is “Allah in the earth” while others comprise Allah in the heavens. It is called “the God head” because they form a type of interdimensional brain or consciousness with each realized being and analogous to a nexus of neurons. Yet they are unified and function as a whole (holy) or one.  When Master Fard departed, the divine one on earth was Elijah Muhammad. He is now Sheps who can intercede on our behalf if we are sincere (Saddiq). He is not on a spaceship and neither is Master Fard. Yet he IS alive and so is Fard, just not in a physical body. In 2:154 the Quran says not to refer to initiates who pass over as dead. “No,” it says, “they are alive, but you can’t see them.” Powerful men and women like Master Fard, Elijah Muhammad and Queen Hatshepsut form “clouds” of consciousness that exist after their physically “dead”. The intennet “cloud” is a grafted imitation version of the real clouds shown on some Tarot cards. You can access such “clouds” and thereby access all of the knowledge of the ancient Master scientists. It’s like spiritual virtual reality.