The Alternative Lifestyle Show - Friday 25 May - with guests @breezin, @freedomtowrite, @gregorypatrick, @makinstuff, @masterroshi, @richforever

This week on the Alternative Lifestyle Show we have six guests from two continents. Three from North America and three from Africa.
From the USA @freedomtowrite, @gregorypatrick and @makinstuff will be talking about their different approaches to homesteading and various projects they are involved in.
Over in Africa @breezin from will be telling us about her gardening and homesteading projects in South Africa. From Ghana @masterroshi and @richforever will be talking about the new steem exchange project Yensesa.
I will also be giving an update on my A Dollar A Day charitable giving project that started this month.
Make sure you tune in on Friday from 10pm - midnight UTC on MSP Waves Radio for 120 minutes of totally interesting talk.
On the show on MSP Waves Radio this Friday 18 May from 10pm - midnight UTC are :
@breezin - mother, nature lover, farmer and poet, based in Limpopo South Africa
@freedomtowrite - Christ following, husband loving, free writing, modern day homesteader based in the Ozarks in the USA
@gregorypatrick - New Hampshire US, based homesteader and homeschooler, seeking a better life through truth and freedom
@makinstuff - lifelong tinkerer and technology enthusiast; aims to empower others with knowledge to take care of their health, wealth, and self actualization; born and raised in Alabama, USA
@masterroshi - advisor to the innovative steem exchange system Yensesa in Ghana
@richforever - advisor to the innovative steem exchange system Yensesa in Ghana
This week I will be opening the show again with a 'song from a steemian' with @yidneth's beautiful track 'In My Mind's Eye'
I look forward to seeing you all on MSP Waves on Friday at 10pm UTC tucked in between @Uniwhisp's Emotion Integration show and the Chaos Show with @globocop and @disarrangedjane.
The recording of last Friday's show with @cahlen, @flemingfarm, @leemlaframboise, @senorcoconut and @cecicastor and @chrisabdey is available in case you missed it :
Each week the Alternative Lifestyle Show will be covering a whole range of topics including :

- homesteading
- prepping
- homeschooling
- tiny houses
- complimentary medicine
- alternative energy
- cooking, particularly low meat, vegetarian and vegan
- permaculture and organic gardening
If you have a passion for any of these subjects and would like to come on future shows please drop a comment below or find me on Discord at Pennsif#9921.
The Alternative Lifestyle Show is on MSP Waves Radio.
It is on Fridays, 10pm - midnight UTC.
If you are not sure of your local times check :
You will be able to listen through the PAL Discord server, via or on Twitch at
You might also be interested in some of my other posts :
The Alternative Lifestyle Show - Friday 18 May 2018 [recording]
My Life in 8 Songs - Thursday 24 May - with @derosnec, @crazybgadventure and @ankapolo
My Life in 8 Songs - @movement19 interview & 8 songs [Thursday 26 April 2018]
My Life in 8 Songs - @poeticsnake interview & 8 songs [Thursday 3 May 2018]
My Life in 8 Songs - @roelandp interview & 8 songs [Thursday 3 May 2018]
My Life in 8 Songs - @madevi - interview & 8 songs [Thursday 3 May 2018]
SteemRadio - schedule of all the steemit radio shows - week beginning 21 May 2018
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project update : US$ 800 distributed to 10 projects in 20 days
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project update : US$ 500 distributed in first 12 days
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project - US $1500 target this month - how donation recipients are chosen
[CONTEST] MSP Waves : Radio Show Reviews Contest update - prize pool now increased to 35 SBD
[CONTEST] MSP Waves Radio : review the radio shows - win upvotes and SBD
[ header graphic by @pennsif // new fox head logo by @dreemsteem ]
Hey, I just stumbled across a new Steem charity you might want to check out for your project:
Thank you for this lead. I will take a look.