🎵 🎙️Topics & Tunes 🎙️🎵 Today on MSPwaves! 🕛 12PM PST 🕒 3PM EST 🕖 7PM UTC

Greetings, Steemland!

Today's Topics:
🧭The Political Compass Test🧭
🎠Audience Choice!🎠
🌎World Lockdown🌎
Disclaimer: I am NOT a journalist. I am a commentator, at best. I simply share my thoughts and opinions on topics.
This has been your friendly neighborhood trigger warning. Have a great day!😍

Today's Tunes:

Carrieallen not to be held responsible in the event the 'plan' is thrown out the window and completely different topics and tunes are discussed/played.

Where to tune in:
🌊 MSPwaves.com

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All images created by me, Bitmoji, are open-source by the Splinterlands/Steem Monster Team, or logos of projects I support.
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v-entertainment (59) 5 years ago