in #mpg7 years ago (edited)

Your car engine is defective if it's getting less than 100 miles per gallon. There is vacuum and other technology, that is fairly old, which has been excluded from today's engine manufacturing so that people will need to buy more fuel and pay for more maintenance on their car engines than necessary.
The fuel injection technology was developed by the car manufacturers when people began discovering that the carburetor could be modified to give engines an efficiency of more than 1,000 miles per gallon. In fact, it was the car manufacturers that discovered this through their own research. Yes, that is more than one thousand, not just one hundred. I'm not going to discus this because the vast majority of cars people are using now have fuel injection and the carburetor research is fairly easy to find.
The fuel injection system we use today involves a “throttle body” and this along with the spark plug specifications and the positive crankcase ventilation or “PCV” valve can be modified (upgraded) to give gas engines, at least double the efficiency they are now getting. We should be getting at least 100 miles per gallon by simply correcting what the manufacturer deliberately did not build into the engine.
I'll bet you never thought that your car engine was manufactured defectively, but I'll bet it will really set your head spinning when you realize that it was deliberate. I'm not technically inclined on this subject, so I must include a detailed explanation from one of the inventors himself, Ron Hatton. Here is how he explains it.
In March of 2009, while speaking with a pilot who holds several records for fuel efficiency in flight who was describing the turbulence over his wings, I had an idea. If I could make that kind of action occur inside an engine, something good would happen. Almost immediately, the shape and location popped inside my head, accompanied by an energy that made it impossible for me to do anything but apply this modification.
Beginning with a 2000 Land Rover, we began to find it working to enhance combustion characteristics across all gasoline engines. Now, more than three years later, this technology has spread to more than 20 nations and is in almost every state in the union.
Basically, what we have discovered is the shape or a “groove” that I call “The Gadgetman Groove”. It has a profound effect on the naturally occurring pressure curve inside the intake manifold in such a way as to reduce the pressure available as the fuel is delivered to the cylinder. This reduction in pressure has the added effect of increasing the quantity of fuel that is in vapor state at the point of ignition.
Fuel that is normally burned in the exhaust (so-called “Waste Fuel”) is given what it needs to burn inside the engine, enabling tremendous increases in fuel efficiency and all that means to an engine AND the environment.
The normal process of the intake cycle generates a condition of reduced pressure inside the intake manifold. This is called “Vacuum” and represents anything below normal atmospheric pressure and is measured in Inches of Mercury (Hg). As an engine ages, the seals that create this vacuum deteriorate (ring wear, broken lines, dried and cracking diaphragms). As the vacuum drops, so does the efficiency of your engine.
This is because of a little considered scientific law called “The Law of Standard Temperature and Pressure” or “The Ideal Gas Law” which, simply stated, is “At a standard pressure and a standard temperature, fluid X requires Y amount of BTU's to change states.” As it applies to us here in the world of fuel efficiency, if you reduce the pressure on a liquid, it will vaporize at a lower relative temperature.
Why is Pressure Important?
Gasoline is a liquid. Oxygen is a vapor. You cannot mix the two under normal conditions. They must both be in the same state to blend (liquid to liquid, vapor to vapor). As you will never see the amount of pressure inside an engine necessary to liquefy oxygen, you can forget that approach. BUT! Since there is already a vacuum present, you CAN enhance the wave already present, providing the conditions appropriate for blending the fuel with the oxygen, a prerequisite for combustion.
What's a “Normal” Vacuum?
Normal engine vacuum is considered “ideal” at about 17” Hg. But, as we discussed earlier, this is just a figure, and all engines will have different values here, as will the temperature-to a greater or lesser degree. It is the vacuum (in conjunction with the manifold temperature) that causes some of the fuel vaporization, enabling the fuel to burn faster at the point of ignition. These vapors, when ignited, then supply the BTU's the rest of the fuel compounds require to vaporize, so they may complete the combustion process. Combustion will continue until either the fuel or the oxygen is depleted to the point it will not support further combustion. Unfortunately, the fuel we are given today to run our engines burns so slowly that most of it is consumed in the catalytic converter.
The raw (un-combusted) fuel is held up there, coming into contact with certain heavy metals which, when heated, allows the fuel to burn (or catalyze) leaving compounds less harmful to the environment than the raw fuel. In summary, the catalytic converter burns what is considered to be “Waste Fuel” (the fuel the engine can not consume -under “normal” conditions.)
Therefore, if you want to increase the rate of combustion (and clean up your emissions!) you have to be able to reduce the amount of fuel in the exhaust. The best way to do this is to change the conditions on which the computer bases its fuel delivery. Simply, burn more of the fuel (and the oxygen!) in the combustion chamber. The only way to do that is to get it to mix better with the oxygen, and the BEST way to do that: vaporize more of the fuel!
The core problem is that liquid fuel must evaporate to burn completely. Combustion happens so fast that the fuel cannot evaporate completely, resulting in un-combusted fuel being sent to the catalytic converter. This is where the emissions are processed, and where the computer takes most of the information which it uses as the basis for its calculations to determine the fuel requirements.
He is not specific here, but this involves modifying the throttle body. The throttle body is the part of the air intake system that controls the amount of air flowing into the engine, it looks something like this:

Once you've modified the throttle body, you will want to further increase your engine's efficiency by capping off the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve and then modifying your spark plug gaps beyond the manufacturer's specifications.
I'm going going to get into all of that detail, you can read it for yourself via this link:
My point is writing this article is to explain that the corporations that are supposed to serve people, have instead by serving their owners at our expense. We can stop this, and we can do it in a way that everyone benefits, even the owners and their customers (us).
It's not enough that, for example, the throttle body isn't made properly, but there are mechanisms in your car that deliberately help to waste fuel, such as the O2 sensors. These sensors prevent you from improving the gas mileage using a technique such as modifying the throttle body, or changing your spark plug gaps. In fact, the specifications for spark plug gaps also keep your spark plugs from operating in the most efficient way possible. Of course I'm not a mechanic and people will criticize what I'm saying here, but at least check it out for yourself and don't take my word for it.