Tear Update #31 - The God of Chaos

Piecing together the look book for The Tear has been a lot of fun. I love digging through my favorite films, picking out the little nuggets that can help inform others about what we’re after. It’s difficult to sometimes convey the scope of the world and form of the Tear itself. Here are some images I’ve been using to piece together an aesthetic direction. Can you tell me what films they’re from?
#horror #cosmichorror #art #lookbook #moodboard #productiondesign #vfx
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If you want to know who I am and what Distant Signal is, check this out. It's sort of a manifesto. The TL;DR is that I've won an award for producing, make a lot of reality TV, live in LA and think that artist and media incentives are misaligned and serve large corporations and not independent artists.
WEBSITE: https://www.thesignalisstrong.com
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/adistantsignal
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In 2019 the goal is to produce the short horror film, Changelings, the world of that story and to build a community of filmmakers that are enthusiastic about filmmaking and crypto currency.
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/abatecolasan/
WEBSITE: http://www.philabatecola.com
According to the Bible, Bro. Eli: How many heavens are there according to the Bible?
Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)
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