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RE: Watched 2 Seasons of "Breaking Bad" in 2 Days! - Any similar TV series?

in #movies8 years ago

I wouldn't say Sons of Anarchy is all that similar to breaking bad, it's a lot more soapy. I still loved it though. Better Call Saul is a shoe in. It's hard to get much better than breaking bad though... You can try Game of thrones if you've never watched it. It's a lot different than breaking bad, but it's absolutely phenomenal.


I tried watching GOT's 1st episode. But, I couldn't even finish it, really! :P Too much nudity's in there!

At least that's what I think. But, I'll give it another try and see if it grows on me.

If the nudity is that much of an issue then you won't enjoy the show very much lol. It's prevalent throughout the entire series, it has an incredible storyline though