Will Future Generations Discard the concept of popular Movies?

in #movies7 years ago

N-e-v-e-r, never! There will be snowfall in hell the day movies become extinct or obsolete. For that to happen, the human race has to be completely replaced by emotionless automatons. The modern day phenomenon of motion pictures will probably go down in history as one of the greatest inventions by mankind!

Imagine a world without movies, imagine the 60s without Marlon Brando, and imagine the 70s without Steve McQueen; imagine the 90s without Tom Hanks and imagine today without Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox?
That, right there, can easily be the basic plot of the scariest movie of all times!

Hence, the question – what makes the most popular movies so popular online?

To begin with, they are good. Mankind has so far failed to uncover a more effective way of entertainment. And until and unless somebody can fashion a jetpack without killing anyone, we won’t find anything that can keep us humans as engrossed as the movies do.

They are cheap. Ever tried to eat at a fancy place, eat to your heart’s content in say about 10 bucks? Yeah, that’s what makes the proposition to watch popular movies, very hard to ignore.

There’s room for everyone. It doesn’t matter which actor or actress you fancy, watching movies is the most democratic process ever. You can watch your favorite movies any number of times, without anyone questioning you.

You shall get what your heart desires. No matter if you prefer to watch the gun-toting Sicilians over the adventures of Carrie Bradshaw and her posse in Sex and the City movie; don’t worry, no one is watching you.

The varied your choice, the easier it is to find. Like Michael Jackson once sang – It don’t matter if you’re black or white – likewise, whatever language you speak, there is a movie for you. If you can appreciate the cultures of people in distant lands, then movies are best way to learn their ways, apart from actually going there.

They are popular for a reason. Don’t be a smartass and wince at mainstream movies. If God didn’t like them, then they never would’ve been termed as the bee’s knees, or the talk of the town.

Last but not the least, everything points out to the fact that the concept of entertainment is here to stay for a long time and at most, only the visible facades and aspects of popular movies will change; not the basic idea.

Who’s to say what’s going to happen in the future – the world could possibly end in the forthcoming and much feared apocalypse or the Armageddon, bringing true the biblical prophecies of destruction. But, movies and entertainment shall survive anything that the celestial elements have forecast; wherever there is life, entertainment shall soon follow.


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