12 STRONG Movie Review
Based on a true story, this movie is a decent film for the actual events that happened. In honor of the men who went out to fight for our country, I salute you; for the ones who had lost loved ones in 9/11 and the more thereafter, you have my condolences. I have to say I have never been a fan of war movies because they all are almost the same: Shooting, War, and Death...But today, I found myself in a theater again with free popcorn watching something I figure would be worth seeing. To be honest, I was only pressed to see #ChrisHemsworth and to see if he was able to make a comeback from the not so good movie #ThorRagnarok. Being that I am a so-called military brat, and also an ex-wife of a former soldier I felt like it was my duty to do my part and see what it was about. However, I never had to experience my dad leaving me or my ex-husband being deported overseas so I don't know the true feeling of the sadness these families had to face in real life. The movie was touching and had several wondering moments, however, I feel as though they were playing it safe with this one. Overall the movie was good but I didn't feel the seriousness of being at war.
View trailer here..
Many of the important scenes are shown in the trailer and it really sucks when they do this because when you finally watch the entire film you are really just watched the filler scenes. Maybe I was just thinking too highly of 2-hour long movie. The best thing out of this film is to know that it is a true story.
On Rotten Tomatoes, it's rated 54%, a 5.6/10 average rating, 72% of the audience said they liked it and is rated R for language and violence this movie.
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