Deadpool and Wolverine (film): Excellent, and the perfect length as well

in #movies7 months ago

As someone who is just like a vast majority of all people out there, I don't often go to the cinema anymore and unlike a lot of people I don't particularly care for superhero movies anymore. The reason for the second thing could be called consumer fatigue because we have just been inundated with so many such films in the past 10 years that it is quite difficult for me to get excited about any new film in the genre. Deadpool is an exception to this though and I think I stand with a lot of people out there when I say that the Wolverine films have been better than most so therefore the character being introduced into a Deadpool film is more than welcome to me.

I saw this in a packed cinema yesterday and I laughed a lot, thought the soundtrack was incredible and the huge amount of cameos was something I quite enjoyed as well. I said that I thought it was a bit long but honestly, this was probably driven by the fact that I had a very large beverage in the cinema, which is a mistake that I think a lot of people make when going out to the pictures.


The Deadpool films are unique in the superhero genre in that they intentionally don't take themselves too seriously and to me that is just awesome. I love the way that Deadpool frequently breaks the 4th wall and even makes fun of the same people that are making this film in ways that reference things that aren't even a part of the fictional universe that the movie is taking place in. They continue in this track in Deadpool 3 (is it called Deadpool 3 or Deadpool and Wolverine?) as they did in the past with jokes referencing the personal life of the actors themselves rather than the characters they are referencing. Disney allowed jabs at their own personal failures since acquiring much of the Marvel Universe and I don't know how they got away with it but they constantly poke fun at 20th Century Fox throughout the entire movie. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some sort of lawsuit over that going on right now.


It's referred to by many as being a "buddy comedy" and I guess I can get on board with that although Deadpool and Wolverine are constantly kicking the crap out of one another as the film goes on, which is kind of in vain since neither one of them are capable of dying. This is part of the appeal of this movie because the fight scenes between the two of them as well as when they are taking on other enemies is very well done. You will be entertained when this is happening even if you don't care for superhero films.

The story here is just like you would expect in that a new evil force is invented really early on in the movie and we spend the next 2 hours watching our duo sort that out. The end result is easy to determine of course, just like it is in nearly any other superhero film which is normally something that I hate about superhero films but because of the way that it is presented, I didn't mind it so much in this one.


The action is so constant that they kind of get you addicted to it and therefore when there is a great deal of dialogue you find yourself getting a bit frustrated with it and want them to get back to the action. However, thanks to the unique and very funny (as well as very dirty) humor of Deadpool makes this spoken storyline much more tolerable than the average superhero film would be.

There are a TON of cameos in this movie and they went out of their way to feature quite a few characters in the MCU that a lot of people probably forgot about. I will not spoil it for any of you who they are but let's just say that in the cinema that I saw the film in there were gasps as well as applause from the audience when certain people make their way into the story although it was only for a short time that they were a part of the story.

Overall, the plot isn't really important because while the dialogue is very entertaining in this movie, the overall story goes exactly the way that one would expect it to, it just has a much funnier way of getting to the end result than any other superhero film that I have ever seen except for perhaps the other Deadpool films.

This film is already breaking records for 2024 and if this trend continues it could end up breaking all-time records for any movie ever made when adjusted for inflation... This is pretty remarkable when you consider that the "butts in the seat" cinema numbers have been declining for years now.

Should I watch it?

This is one of those films that I believe the experience of seeing the movie in an actual theater is pretty essential and I don't often say that about movies just generally speaking. No matter what sort of entertainment system you have at your home it will not be able to replicate the experience that you will get by actually being there in front of the big screen with strangers who are all really excited to have this taking place before their eyes.

I absolutely think you should get your ass to the theater, but maybe wait until next week when a lot of the hype has died down and you wont have to wait in long lines to get in there. My theater was totally sold out and even though it was a 12 cinema movie theater complex, 10 of the rooms were showing Deadpool. So yeah, this is very very popular at the moment and is likely to stay that way for weeks to come.

I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and may actually go and see it again in a month or so. For me, someone that doesn't even like superhero movies especially since Disney got their dirty hands on them, this is saying a lot.

It should be obvious but at the moment the only legal way to watch this film is to buy a ticket and go to an actual cinema. Given the investment and the fact that Marvel/Disney have been losing their financial asses in the past few years, this is very unlikely to be on any streaming service for quite some time