Some lessons i learned from watching the movie Scarface (1983)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #movies8 years ago


Hello friends ! I want to make a short post about some life lessons that i learned from watching the movie Scarface. I think that we can all agree that it's a brilliant movie and it goes way beyond being a regular mafia flick. I am a big fan of the genre and i think that i have watched it numerous times so i am going to share with you some important lessons learned from this film.

1. Remain true to yourself and don't break your word for nobody.

Tony Montana had a lot of flaws that ultimately led to his demise but he still had one big quality. Even in a life of crime, he always stayed true to his promises and kept his word. He also didn't like to screw people if they didn't deserve it, as he said in the movie. I believe that i don't have to explain why this is an important thing in real life too. You will gain a lot of respect from the people that matter and you will go a long way if you manage to be like Tony in this aspect.

2. Don't settle for less if you know you deserve more.

Tony Montana had courage and he knew when to push his luck and ask for more than life was giving him at that regular time. He didn't want to remain a dishwater and he also denied working as a small time marijuana dealer when he was given the chance. He knew that the other guy wasn't doing him any favours. He had guts and took a more risky but higher rewarding job in dealing cocaine because he knew he was capable of doing it. I know that we talk about immoral things here like dealing drugs but we can apply this advice in the real life too, no matter what path we choose. You shouldn't settle for less because of anything, especially because of someone. If you work hard, no one is doing you any favours. You deserve everything you are getting.

3. Don't act based on emotion only

I believe that this destroyed the main character in the end. He did things before thinking straight sometimes. He was also under influence of hard drugs and he was clearly not thinking straight anymore in the end. He made the ultiamte wrong choice when he decided to kill his only real friend in the world, just because he married his sister. Maybe he loved her and had something special planned, but Tony wouldn't listen to any of it. He ended up regretting this later but it was too late. I am not saying that we would do the same thing in reality but it's certainly to always think clear before we take an important decision. Also, try to keep your cool as much as you can even if you are under influence. You can do stupid things that you will regret a lot if you don't use your head in important situations.

4. Money and power dosen't always bring hapiness

I think that this is the biggest lesson to learn from the movie. "What good is for a man to gain the world, if he will lose his soul in the process?" That's a powerful quote from the Bible and that's exactly what happend to Tony Montana. He worked hard and gained a lot of money and power but in the end, it didn't really mattered. He didn't have a meaning in life and he became miserable. He also lost everyone and everything that he loved in the end. I pursue money and we all pursue money. We all want it but if you don't have a bigger dream, if you don't try to do something more meaningful with your life, you will be unhappy in the end.


There are sure more lessons to be learned from watching this movie but i don't want to make this article longer and boring. These 4 lessons looked most important to me personally so that's why i talked only about them here. In the end, i have to say that i recommend this movie to all the people that haven't seen it yet, but i believe there are not many.

So friends, what are your thoughts on this? If you read even a little part from this article, tell me what you think. If you have seen this movie too, feel free to write another lesson to be learnt from it. Cheers !


a great movie that is mrrobert:-)!!