31 Days of Scary Movies Day 1: Alice, Sweet Alice
31 Days of Scary Movies
My favorite month of the year has finally arrived, the month of October. I thought this would be the best time to share one of my favorite scary movies each day for the whole month to get you ready for Halloween. There will be plenty of movies that I'm sure many are quite familiar with, but I'll do my best to include ones that are somewhat obscure or not to well-known.
I'll be the first to admit I'm not a horror movie buff, but over the years there have been plenty of scary movies that I've enjoyed simply because I enjoy getting creeped out when watching movies! Nothing better than watching a creepy movie in the dark all alone, by yourself... or so you think.
Day 1: Alice, Sweet Alice
Released: 1976

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'Til next time,
Kevin Douglas
Ah nice. I literally just watched this for the first time recently. Great tension with a classic 70s twist that's impossible to predict.
I'm also doing a 31 Days of Horror challenge-- you'll prolly see me post this one sooner or later.
Classic 70s indeed!! Thanks for dropping in. I'll be sure to check out your challenge as you go along! :)