[Films Critics] Bumblebee
I remember that when I was a kid my favorite toys were the Transformers, I loved the whole wave of robots fighting for justice against villains, in fact I remember that I also enjoyed very much the animated series, but now I am tired of the Transformers to the point of not tolerating anything that is released in this regard, however with the new Bumblebee movie I decided to step forward and try for myself if with this new Transformer saga they want to introduce have learned from their mistakes, unfortunately they have not done it and even did it worse than other sagas and do not misunderstand me the first 3 Transformers movies I found entertaining but this and the last two previous ones are a total waste of time, empty movies where neither humans nor robots stand out.

Something that made these movies "entertaining" was the complement of action so well achieved, however in Bumblebee all that is discarded by a robot drama and adolescent human that has nothing good, a drama created to make us connect on a personal level with a young woman who never wins our affection, a young woman who does not show any determination or desire to fight, she only wants to have a robot friend, and that takes all emotion away from this film because literally there is no action or emotion in the plot, something inexplicable for a Battle Robot movie. To put you in context this is like a horror movie without terror, basically a bunch of scenes agglutinated to "form" a plot from the link between robot and humans.

The whole plot begins when Bumblebee flees from his planet and arrives on earth to establish a new Autobot base while his other companions manage to escape the war and reach the Earth, however this yellow robot is followed by two Decepticons insurgents who seek to eliminate it and explore the possible conquest of humans. Bumblebee arrives on earth and just as in the first Transformer movie he hides in a junkyard where he is found by a young woman with whom he quickly creates a friendship, a misfit young woman with no friends (typical) who in her incessant search for a car discovers a robot that totally changes her life, a robot that he keeps hidden in his garage and with which he has some really funny scenes, yes, those scenes are the best of the movie, not the action, the comedy, I know, totally unexplainable.

In that journey of friendship that the young woman and Bumblebee have formed, they find that the Decepticons who have been chasing Bumblebee form a false alliance with humans to hunt down the Autobot and kill him, something that becomes a total escalation of typical moments evidently copied from other Transformer films. This film is like watching the first installment of the Transformer saga but without action and with Bumblebee as the "protagonist".
The film becomes tedious because it constantly leaves us waiting for those explosions and scenes of persecution and struggle that these films had offered us, something characteristic in other films but that here only appears at the end in a fight 2 against 1 super fast and that only ends thanks to the absurd intervention of a human soldier, yes, one of those who originally wanted to end with Bumblebee.

On a technical level the few digital effects and CGI are well used, the problem is that it took more development and especially more inclusion of those effects to enhance the intense tone of the film, everything seems to be a teen drama between robot and human, the action is good when used but as it is so minimal we do not feel like an essential part of the plot, basically this is another complete disappointment that continues to ruin my memories of the Transformers.

My Score: 5,3/10
- Movie URL: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/424783-bumblebee?language=en-US
- Critic: A