Lupita Nyong'o and Viola Davis to star in Dahomey Amazons movie!

By the way, the real life Nawi lived to be 100 and told her story some time in the 1970s or 60s.
By the way, the real life Nawi lived to be 100 and told her story some time in the 1970s or 60s.
Dante is here, No Fear
If you shot somebody eh
Viola Davis, right from time, has always been quite one helluva of an actress. But I am personally interested in the life and successes of Lupita. With her charred, rare kind of black beauty, she is blowing the roof away and giving every single African lady a chance to have faith in themselves.
Edumurphy, International Women's 🚺 day is coming up soon. March 8 or so. What do you say we both come up with an idea to celebrate women like this on the steem blockchain?
And yes, when are you going to write one of those Human History X?
Yes to Women's History of course
As for Human History X, hahahahaahahahaaaaa
... lemme show you chumchin ...
Human History X is always in progress to one extent or the other
@edumurphy baba
"all female-millitary unit known as the Amazons"
Is the Amazons not the female military that Wonder Woman came from?
This crew however are from what is now known as Benin Republic in West Africa right next to Naija. The Kingdom used to be called Dahomey. One day, their king decided he wanted an army of badass female soldiers. He started with badass female elephant hunters and then they were trained in the ways of sword and gun till they became an army of scary ultraviolent conquerors who kicked everyone's asses for like two centuries until the French showed up with gunboats and Maxim machine guns.
The Europeans called them the Dahomey "Amazons" because the Greek Amazons were the only other female army they had ever heard of. Their proper name was the Mino.
Remember this comment where I said Black Panther was going to open doors? This is Door Number 1 👺
Plus it actually STARS Lupita Nyong'o (Nakia from Black Panther) and the amazing Viola Davis (How to Get Away with Murder) as a mother-and-daughter warrior duo? Where can I buy tickets already?!!!!!
Cinema dubbed all the way. Infinity wars too on my mind.
The Dahomeys are in the present day Benin Republic? This is one movie I'd like to see as it's about history.
That's right! I'm really looking forward to this movie, super-excited!