Maidentrip - They have to see it

She wants to be the youngest person to sail solo around the world, so she starts with her father (who agreed) a legal battle with the Dutch authorities, to grant her permission.
She succeeds surprisingly after 1 year of trials! and embarks on her journey around the world alone, it should be noted that Laura was born surrounded in the world of sailing and sailboats so she is fully trained to do so.

We can see your 2-year journey through your eyes as this documentary is made with Laura's own recordings during the trip.
In her journey, she surpassed both storms and loneliness, to mature and find herself. Fuente
It is a super motivating film, about having goals, dreams, goals and fight to get them no matter how old you are, in addition to the transcendental that is the support of parents to meet them.
This is the trailer, its audio is Dutch and I was able to get it only subtitled in English:
But I leave the following link so you can see the full documentary subtitled in Spanish:
I hope you can enjoy it and tell me what you think ..
Until the next friends of steemit