That looks ugly
I had an operation at my left hand because I almost cut 2 tendons with a skill saw
But his arm looks a lot worse than mine
I wish him a very fast recovery
I know racing is part of his life and he will miss it a bit but he will be fine in a while
He was pretty close to losing the entire arm... muscles had almost gone blue... :/
He is Lucky that he didn't lose it, he will recover but I am sure it will take some time and honesty I don't think he will be 100 % if he doesn't allow it to recover for some long time
Winch in racing or sports is never a good good thing because you get old and lose your skills
I myself after 3 years and still have bits of troubles and I really took all the time and made all treatments possible
Yeah it's a tough choice @greavideos! He has a big team behind him working 24/7 but it's still a big ask.
Sorry to hear you have been in the wars... i have had, and still do some issues.. :(
I am sure his team works hard to make sure he will be back 100% and I hope he will sooner than we expect.
Sorry to hear that you are as luck as we are
Anyway we are like Soldiers
We never give up
Have a lovely time Steeming