Routine vs Ritual
Two patterns that structure our life - ritual and routine.

But what separates routine from ritual? Is it the action or the attitude ?
Many think routine is all about waking up in the morning,doing the exact same things for every single day for a very long time.It’s something we don’t really enjoy but need to do in order to sustain a stable life.Routine involves discipline and self control.We feel safe by adding chore into our life but that could lead sometimes to dissatisfaction and misery.
On the other hand,rituals are viewed as more meaningful practices.There is a purpose behind.
So how do we turn a boring routine to a ritual?
Well,we need to change our state of mind every time we have to take care of our daily activities.
The key here is to motivate yourself,challenge yourself and being able to see the ‘’bigger picture’’.
By accomplishing this you will be able to add more meaning in your life.
By Unshakeable
Exactly! I'm doing everything like a routine these days. I wish I could say I have a daily ritual, which I don't have yet. I know it's time to make life changing and healthy life decisions but not now. (Am too hard headed and I'm just making excuses.) lol
Thanks for sharing this.
It's never to late.No matter time,money,circumstances everybody and I mean EVERYBODY has the power to make things better for him and those close to.
Thanks @unshakeable! I know what you mean and I know I will find the best way soon! Thank you for this sweet message!
Food for thought @unshakeable. Waking up, going to bathroom, washing face, combing hair, brushing teeth, slipping into something comfortable is start of my daily routine.
I think of it as a ritual when I take a few minutes to thank the higher power for another day.
Well that's nice @redheadpei .Keep it that way and always praise Our Lord for what comes across.
We need to work on ritualizing our routines if we want to get ahead in life.
Great post. I need to start making exercise a routine so that it can then become a ritual. It is hard to get into the habit. I think the two can be differentiated by the amount of thought that you put into them. When I eat my cereal in the morning, that is pretty mindless, so I would see it as routine. When I post my daily content to Steemit though, I am putting a lot of thought and care into that, so I would view that as more ritual. Thanks again for sharing this great post!
Thank You,for your amazing comment.You got the idea 100 %.In order to have a better life we don't need BiG changes.Who says so??? The small ones make it better.Trust me!
Realizing that all that you do has meaning is an important life lesson, though hard to remember at times. Thanks for provoking some thought :)
You are welcome.I wanted to share some thoughts today.I am glad I accomplished it!
I agree with you on the subject of rituals. By constantly performing a set of actions you can build up confidence, and be better prepared for challenges ahead. My life, mostly due to my job, is highly unpredictable so sometimes I wish for some routine,
As I mentioned,routine provides safety but it can be dangerous too at times.I hope you find what you are looking in life @spalatino