The Brain Barrier

in #motivation7 years ago


Image Credits : Shemen Photography

Your life is a product of the things you believe in. In simple terms, you arae capable of thinking yourself into being. What ever your mind can conceive is achievable.

In the world of athletics, a four-minute mile run means completing a mile run in less than 4 minutes. In 1954, Roger Bannister completed the very first four-minute mile run. It was a record that was believed to be humanly impossible to attain. It took man several decades to break the four-minute mile run barrier. Its really interesting how the four minute mile run has become a standard running parameter for all professional athletes. It was believed to be physically impossible for years and when the mental shackles got broken, even high school athletes break this barrier on a daily basis.

Bannisters story is but one of the many which talks about mental liberation and freedom. Albert Einstein ones said imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge without imagination leads to no creativity. Its just a stagnation of boredom.


Back in my Senior High School, we had a believe that scoring 100% in an examination was impossible. We believed it and we learnt mostly to score slightly above 80%. We knew the 100% mark was for the teacher to hold as a glory flag. There was one particular term when this brain barrier got broken by one brilliant student ( Timbani) . It was the very first time and he scored 100% in his Mathematics Examination. The mere thought of 100% score being possible drove 6 students to achieve the same results.

The mind has an unlimited power. Power to shape your destiny and make the impossible possible. If you dream it, you can make it. These stories has shown the capabilities of the mind and confirms the assertion that imagination is more important than knowledge. A fools mind only holds information. Dream, believe it and make it happen. Stay Blessed.


truly inspirational..Your photos are that superb and shemen has been good so far here on steemit. Thanks for lifting the spirit of a soul this weekend @tj4real. Do have a blissful weekend bro. resteemed

Dream, believe it and make it happen.....