in #motivation7 years ago

Take a few moments out of your life and realize what a miracle you really are. You are actually able to communicate with other human beings. You have a physical body that is totally dependent on what your environment provides to sustain your life. You have a marvelous mind to help you think through situations and keep you safe. But you may take all of this for granted. You may be so used to seeing life from your own limited perspective that you have forgotten how unique you really are.  Perhaps your life lacks as sense of purpose and direction, and you have felt this way for so long that you don’t know any other way to feel.

If you aren’t getting the results you want, then the way you are living your life isn’t working. Try putting your same old everyday thoughts and feelings on a side burner and putting new positive thoughts on the front burner!  This episode is all about my favorite topic: the meaning of life. I am convinced that many people are not living rich, abundant, meaningful lives; even a lot of people who think they are.  

Wouldn’t it be sad to come to the end of your life and to realize that you didn’t live? How do you live? Who’s to say what a meaningful life consists of? Do you have some kind of monopoly on what life really means just because your friends and relatives have always approached life a certain way? Do you think everyone should be just like you? Or maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum. Perhaps you see no future for yourself and you are just “getting by” every day. 

Maybe life no longer holds any excitement for you because you feel so trapped in your circumstances.  I am going to challenge you in this chapter to examine your life. You will not like everything I say, but that’s okay. All of us need to question our lives rather just repeat the same actions over and over. Perhaps you will begin seeing your life in a different light. Perhaps you could be much, much happier. Perhaps you and I together can truly unlock some of the mysteries of the meaning of life. Perhaps we can save some lives by coming to a deep understanding of life.  Keep an open mind and allow yourself some time to ponder what your life means. This may be the best chance ever have to take a close look at your life.

Thanks for reading.

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