in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


The first step, the first day, the first minute, you're excited you're like gasps. I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna kick ass right and the next day comes and you're like man. This is a little tougher and then you take another step and another step maybe you get to Thursday or Friday and you're like fuck. This is pretty fucking hard man all right and then what happens is the enthusiasm from the beginning of the process starts to fade out you forgot why you started all you could. Think about is what's in front of you right now. all you could think about is that next grueling step that next terrible workout that. you just can't fucking stand anymore you lose sight of the purpose. you get too much value of what the pain is today. if you find a fear the quickest easiest way you can beat. it is initially right when it comes in if you allow to sit. it will grow roots and start breaking you down just join the potential a person you can be. it's uphill.battle is the path less taken not the beaten path everyone else takes. it's a path that leads a character along that road. you're not gonna see too.

many friends go see your shadow. most often see the thing is for many people they've tried the same path. you're on and they failed. you got trust in the heart of hearts inside. what you're doing what you believe in is a worthy cause a winnable . fight the champions guys it's not the potential is not their genetics. it's a person there to always show up it's not the title that makes you. it's not the success that makes you. the character defines the success that binds the theme . it's how you look at something. if your name's attached to it and you do it . right the best of your ability every single time. championships aren't won in this theater of the arena. they're one than the thousands of hours training room the labs in the 5 a.m. runs brainy whenever ELLs are sleeping . that's when it's won. the harbor champion is a light switch that's always on it doesn't go on and off. as I was watching, it's constant fear is self-imposed. I mean it doesn't exist you create it you can destroy it too I love feeling who is why behind every fear is a person. you want to be you face your fears become the person you want to be you bouncing your fears you're not with your life but not begin the freedom if you face your fears guys here is the story it comes back in his confidence what else might where else my cable walk what else my whole my back from now I'm k12 nor what am i running from I don't need to what else can I do overcome you go after and you give it all you have if you lose at least we try I fail it's ten times more of a man than someone said what if ecause what if never went to the arena and you do it right the best of your ability every single time that's the same person who has his hand raised on the podium one day and the difference between a champion and someone who's forgotten is that champion shows up that's the only thing every day shows up