We reach our dreams or spend gunpowder on zamuro.
We are so hard pressed to achieve our dreams that we can confuse them. Are we lost in the quest to achieve our dreams?
Greetings steemitnauts. Happy and successful day, May your navigation through these waters take you to where your heart wants to reach.

Today take a very popular and common saying among us, and refers to one who says, "do not waste, gunpowder in zamuro". In the Gospel it is said that you do not throw the pearls to the pigs (Mat 7,6), although this phrase may have another context.
However both phrases refer to the optimization of tools and resources in achieving the objectives. In general the zamuro is an inedible bird (although some cases have been seen, some give it medicinal attributes and others use it to scare the plague.) Those that raise animals, use them as amulets so that their own do not get sick and raise them as one more chicken
But that is not the issue. Much is said to us that we must pursue our dreams. Is a dream the same as a goal? How far can we pursue a dream?
It is possible to hunt zamuros be a dream for someone and it would be worth investing time and resources to achieve it. In that sense, dreams are very close to the passion we feel for something and that fills us, makes us happy. And the mere search for them can turn into a satisfaction. It is possible that the dream of planting yucca on Jupiter will ever come true, and I am exaggerating a dream.
But, you should focus our dreams and our passions, so that they are realizable, palpable, and so we can achieve them without dying in the attempt, and without letting the sadness of living without dreams envelop our existence.

Anyway, dream. Dream a lot And that the resources used in this task, even if they are lost, are used in favor of achieving what you want.
Hola @ramonrene. Que ave tan fea, sin colores y ni canta. Pero cuanta falta hace para eliminar la carroña del mundo. Lo único que tiene bello es su vuelo y lo lejos que puede llegar. Te quedo genial la comparación de no gastar pólvora en Zamuro y la de arrojar perlas a los cerdos. Me hiciste recordar El Zamuro y el Avion.
Muchas gracias, elabuelo.